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Showing posts from September, 2022

Version 2.03: bug-fix release and chess leagues improved.

 This is a bug fix update mainly based on the detection work of Eric, the main betatester of the program. Added Opening Lines, shows comments when training. Book Strategie, other wonderful set of pieces created by Ben Citak. Book Strategie B, for regular style board backgrounds by Ben Citak. Book Strategie theme created by Ben Citak to emulate the old style used in the French chess magazine La Strategie in 1938 (also L'Echiquier). Databases, numerical sorting: press Ctrl (Alt or Shift) while double clicking on the header. CTRL SHIFT C (ALT SHIFT C) to copy PGN to the clipboard On the position analysis screen, alternative moves can be analyzed by moving pieces directly on the board. Analysis of a game, option to include analysis of the variations. On any board, ALT-X to play the current position, it is a little different from the utilities menu, only the position is used, but it can be used with any board and with any position on the board. Shift Right mouse on pgn table to show th