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Play like a Grand Master

I have updated list of plays of  grand masters, because it had a problem with one of them Granda Zuniga (thanks to Dranix of by notice) and as long ago not updated, I have taken the opportunity.

Here is the full list, with changes :

Adams, Michael+631044Akobian, Varuzhan+28338
Akopian, Vladimir+31584Alburt,L+12295
Alekhine, Alexander+251473Alekseev, Evgeny+23336
Almasi, Zoltan+32651Anand, Viswanathan+361113
Anderssen, Adolf+14359Andersson, Ulf+31711
Andreikin, Dmitry+53275Areshchenko, Alexander+11428
Aronian, Levon+72574Ashley, Maurice+ 6169
Averbakh, Yuri L+ 4284Avrukh, Boris+ 4489
Azmaiparashvili, Zurab+20512Bacrot, Etienne+59662
Baklan, Vladimir+ 7492Bareev, Evgeny+26778
Becerra Rivero, Julio+ 2174Beliavsky, Alexander G+501248
Benjamin, Joel+15471Benko, Pal+15455
Berkes, Ferenc+16437Berliner, Hans Jack=19
Bernstein, Ossip+ 4109Bird, Henry+ 9203
Bisguier, Arthur Bernard+12404Blackburne, Joseph+11564
Blatny, Pavel+34741Bogoljubow, Efim+16456
Boleslavsky, Isaak+ 5225Bologan, Viktor+86908
Botvinnik, Mikhail+12643Bronstein, David I+20716
Browne, Walter S+18626Bruzon, Lazaro+18298
Bu, Xiangzhi+62419Byrne, Robert E+ 7336
Capablanca, José Raúl+ 6650Carlsen, Magnus+69598
Caruana, Fabiano+76377Cheparinov, Ivan+12421
Chiburdanidze, Maia+18431Chigorin, Mikhail+16505
Christiansen, Larry Mark+20630DeFirmian, Nick+19743
LaBourdonnais, Louis de+ 358Denker, Arnold S+ 3141
Dominguez Perez, Leinier+ 369Dreev, Alexey+79983
Dzindzichashvili, Roman+ 7270Efimenko, Zahar (new)+4242
Ehlvest, Jaan+59920Eljanov, Pavel+56448
Euwe, Max+12830Evans, Larry+ 7324
Fedorchuk, Sergey A.+15484Fedorowicz, John+17546
Feller, Sebastien (new)+3131Fine, Reuben+ 4162
Finegold, Benjamin+33310James Fischer, Robert+14564
Fishbein, Alexander+ 2184Flohr, Salo+ 9390
Fressinet, Laurent+17541Fridman, Daniel+10615
Ganguly, Surya Shekhar+ 1456Gaprindashvili, Nona+22450
Gashimov, Vugar+55415Gelfand, Boris+68816
Geller, Efim P+20806Georgiev, Kiril+74894
Gharamian, Tigran (new)+ 77Giri, Anish (new)+5858
Gligoric, Svetozar+331213Goldin, Alexander+ 8375
Grachev, Boris+29286Granda Zuniga, Julio E+31660
Grischuk, Alexander+63672Gulko, Boris F+22624
Gunsberg, Isidor+ 4117Gurevich, Dmitry+13434
Gurevich, Mikhail+16546Gustafsson, Jan+12479
Harikrishna, P.+34442Hort, Vlastimil+221105
Horwitz, Bernhard+ 343Huebner, Robert+21671
Ibragimov, Ildar+24670Illescas Cordoba, Miguel+17488
Inarkiev, Ernesto+17278Ivanchuk, Vassily+911202
Ivanov, Alexander+15287Ivanov, Igor V+ 9330
Ivkov, Borislav+21808Jakovenko, Dmitry+36405
Jobava, Baadur+15404Jussupow, Artur+32712
Kaidanov, Gregory+19564Kamsky, Gata+69522
Karjakin, Sergey+80542Karpov, Anatoly+421669
Kasimdzhanov, Rustam+35494Kasparov, Garry+391499
Kavalek, Lubomir+10449Keres, Paul+171086
Khalifman, Alexander+24622Khismatullin, Denis+27309
Kholmov, Ratmir D+10579Kobalia, Mikhail (new)+3333
Koneru, Humpy+47409Korchnoi, Viktor+832236
Korobov, Anton+21305Kosteniuk, Alexandra+58430
Kotov, Alexander+11285Kramnik, Vladimir+67893
Krasenkow, Michal+56955Krush, Irina+77461
Kudrin, Sergey+25490Kurnosov, Igor+18291
Lahno, Kateryna+48264Larsen, Bent+271264
Lasker, Emanuel+11634Lastin, Alexander+ 5324
Lautier, Joel+17670Laznicka, Viktor+10350
Le, Quang Liem+39355Leko, Peter+16521
Levenfish, Grigory+ 6120Li, Chao b (new)+ 77
Lilienthal, Andor+ 7224Ljubojevic, Ljubomir+12685
Lputian, Smbat G+19599MacKenzie, George+ 5155
Malakhov, Vladimir+53532Mamedov, Rauf (new)+3838
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar+63534Maroczy, Geza+11319
Marshall, Frank James+25427McDonnell, Alexander+ 247
McShane, Luke J+42428Mecking, Henrique+ 8187
Meier, Georg+ 7222Mikenas, Vladas+ 6175
Miles, Anthony J+361149Milov, Vadim+19748
Miroshnichenko, Evgenij+ 8445Moiseenko, Alexander+15469
Morozevich, Alexander+35666Morphy, Paul+ 8247
Motylev, Alexander+36458Movsesian, Sergei+90821
Naiditsch, Arkadij+21575Najdorf, Miguel+20899
Najer, Evgeniy+48568Nakamura, Hikaru+105670
Navara, David+53537Negi,P+52250
Nepomniachtchi, Ian+63359Ni, Hua+63396
Nielsen, Peter Heine+28728Nikolic, Predrag+33464
Nimzowitsch, Aron+ 9351Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter+39523
Novikov, Igor A+13419Nunn, John DM+11641
Nyback, Tomi (new)+1717Olafsson, Fridrik+ 5390
Oll, Lembit+12406Onischuk, Alexander+46531
Pachman, Ludek+21511Paehtz, Elisabeth+37548
Panno, Oscar+12738Pashikian, Arman+11167
Paulsen, Louis+10220Petrosian, Tigran+17871
Philidor, Francois=16Pillsbury, Harry+11365
Pilnik, Herman+10358Polgar, Judit+17593
Polgar, Sofia+11284Polgar, Zsuzsa+ 7270
Polugaevsky, Lev+20696Ponomariov, Ruslan+95441
Portisch, Lajos+261185Potkin, Vladimir (new)+1919
Psakhis, Lev+22718Quinteros, Miguel A+11505
Radjabov, Teimour+45407Reshevsky, Samuel Herman+12482
Reti, Richard+11284Riazantsev, Alexander+20386
Ribli, Zoltan+20594Rohde, Michael A+ 4202
Roiz, Michael+ 8259Rubinstein, Akiba+14501
Rublevsky, Sergei+56552Saemisch, Fritz+ 4161
Sakaev, Konstantin+36532Salov, Valery+ 7255
Sargissian, Gabriel+ 9316Sasikiran, Krishnan+51629
Savchenko, Boris+49319Schlechter, Carl+ 6277
Seirawan, Yasser+17598Serper, Grigory+11316
Shabalov, Alexander+71852Shamkovich, Leonid+ 7341
Shirov, Alexei+1001260Short, Nigel D+29962
Shulman, Yuri+30456Smeets, Jan+14371
Smirin, Ilia+49723Smyslov, Vasily+151071
So, Wesley+17171Socko, Bartosz (new)+5050
Sokolov, Ivan+701026Soltis, Andrew E+ 3113
Spassky, Boris+21926Speelman, Jonathan S+23689
Spielmann, Rudolf+ 8411Stahlberg, Gideon+ 5361
Staunton, Howard+ 8201Stefanova, Antoaneta+64650
Stein, Leonid+ 6300Steinitz, William+14532
Suetin, Alexey S+ 5441Sutovsky, Emil+38561
Svidler, Peter+65813Szabo, Laszlo+19698
Taimanov, Mark+18987Tal, Mikhail+291529
Tarrasch, Siegbert+15459Tartakower, Savielly+18663
Teichmann, Richard+10250Timman, Jan+201316
Timofeev, Artyom+33390Tiviakov, Sergei+581007
Tkachiev, Vladislav+27441Tomashevsky, Evgeny+24234
Topalov, Veselin+16706Uhlmann, Wolfgang+18989
Unzicker, Wolfgang+ 7368Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime+65398
Vaganian, Rafael A+29874Vallejo Pons, Francisco+49586
Van Wely, Loek+12563Vitiugov, Nikita+10282
Volokitin, Andrei+24387Waitzkin, Joshua+ 9148
Wang Yue+40482Wang, Hao+61273
Winawer, Szymon+ 2108Wojtaszek, Radoslaw+64467
Wojtkiewicz, Aleksander+11680Wolff, Patrick G+ 5244
Xie Jun+ 6242Ye Jiangchuan+ 6231
Yermolinsky, Alex+32550Yudasin, Leonid+ 9553
Zhigalko, Sergei=235Zhou, Jianchao+ 8113
Zhu Chen+44320Zukertort, Johannes Hermann+ 8125
Zvjaginsev, Vadim+34369


  1. Is there a possibility of starting from say move 10 (should be selectable). This will allow players not knowing the GM's openings to still try playing like him - Ransith Fernando (Sri Lanka)

  2. Thanks Ransith, it is easy to add, I will include it in the new version.

  3. will be waiting for the new version thanks !!!!


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