- News:
- A great step to adapt to Linux OS thanks to Robert Gamble
- Changed, graphics window of analysis, moves are aligned accourding its color.(remes idea)
- bmt files (best move training) can be exec by the program. (Johannes Reimers)
- Bugs:
- Playing against any engine, pressing Help to move when tutor is active.(dima das)
- The engine Roce, don´t works because a bad link.(Jacopo Della Bartola)
- Renaming open guide, when maintaining the name, data is deleted.(Mario L)
- Labels in several translations about Tourkey country vs tourkey animal, solved changing tourkey animal to tourkeycock (Max Aloyau)
This update contains a major improvement with the inclusion of Maia. Maia is a neural network chess engine, created with the purpose of making her movements as human as possible. The Maia creation team has prepared 9 versions, from 1100 to 1900 of elo, and thus they have been included in Lucas Chess. You have all the information about Maia at: https://maiachess.com/
Ciao a Tutti.
ReplyDeleteVorrei chiedere come è possibile trasferire i risultati di lucas elo, i risultati della sezione competizione, i risultati del database fics da lucas chess già installato su pc ad un computer portatile o in caso di formattazione salvare i risultati. La versione 9.03 non si aggiorna alla versione 9.04 e non vorrei perdere il mio punteggio. Come posso fare?
All data of user is in the UsrData folder, in the installation folder of LC.
DeleteYou may copy this folder.
Почему в базе завершенных партий при при просмотре нельзя использовать движок для анализа партии
ReplyDeleteПочему в базе завершенных партий при при просмотре нельзя использовать движок для анализа партии
ReplyDeleteWhich are the options that you use to detect the problem?
DeleteIs it possible to add two features:
ReplyDelete- Premove (make move when my opponent are thinking)
- Autoqueen (always promote to queen).
Hi! Lucas, what you say?
DeleteHi!, is possible to add the feature to enter move with keyboard? it's helpful to use with home made usb chess board (similar to dgt but not th same!)
ReplyDeleteThank you
Try, by example, to write e2e4, when playing a new game.
DeleteWOW Great!!! Thank You!!!
DeleteCan Lucas "speak" his move by speacker??? so you can hear the move and do on chess board.
Lucas Chess GREAT JOB!!!
It needs some voice recording, Options, Sound, Custom sounds.
DeleteThen it is necessary to activate in Options, Configuration, Sounds.
Thank you Lucas and excuse me for my horrible english!
DeleteI will try this function, it is great for blind player too!
Good Play to you!
It does it very well!!!!
Great software! NB, the windows version works fine for me in Linux with Crossover Office.
ReplyDeleteI played on Botvinik expert on "Play" and other GMs in Tourney engines. At the mid game especially if the game is closed they are stopping to move. Please help sir. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAt the end the instruction more clear and with more details...
DeleteWell, thank you for that, but goodness it is involved. Moreover, as well as having to follow all of those (not especially clear!) instructions, I had to (on Linux Mint 64-bit) install the 'g++' compiler and its dependencies. EDIT: and I had to install something else you did not mention.
ReplyDeleteFurther EDIT: I got stuck at the 'Sphinx' install stuff - with the error 'You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list'. Please help.
To bypass need of install sphinx, it was necessary to edit the file ./Code/Voice.py, replacing line 10 [from pocketsphinx import Decoder] with: [class Decoder: pass], in this way voice don´t works (not a great loss).
DeleteUncomment every line of the repositories sources that begin with deb-src, so erase the character # in the first position and save at the end... and update the repositories
# mcedit /etc/apt/sources.list
# sudo apt-get update
Maybe delete the last instrucction of instalation and replace for it:
ReplyDeleteUpdated and more tested
Instructions to install LucasChess in Ubuntu/Linux and Raspbian GNU/Linux on ARM and i386 Intel Architecture
Tested in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu Mate and Raspbian GNU/Linux 201505 (ARM Architecture) on Raspberry Pi 2
Tested in Ubuntu 14.04 32 bits i386 on Intel Architecture
# sudo apt-get update
Debian/Linux (# cat /etc/issue)
# sudo apt-get install python-pip mc python-pyaudio python-sip swig python-psutil python-chardet git sphinxbase pocketsphinx pyqt4-dev-tools pyqt4-dev-tools python-qt4
Ubuntu (# cat /etc/issue)
# sudo apt-get install python-pip mc python-pyaudio python-sip swig python-psutil python-chardet git python-sphinxbase python-pocketsphinx pyqt4-dev-tools python-qt4
# cd ~
# git clone https://github.com/lukasmonk/lucaschess
# cd lucaschess
# sudo pip install pygal
# sudo chmod -R 777 *
# python Lucas.py
Optional: Install other userful chess software's and engines
# sudo apt-get install crafty crafty-books-medium cutechess fairymax fruit glaurung gnuchess gnuchess-book hoichess polyglot pychess stockfish toga2 xboard scid scid-data scid-rating-data scid-spell-data
When error to execute Lucas.py, we try to recompile winglet.so (- \- : delete line, - \+ insert line)
# cd EnginesLinux/winglet/srclinux
# mcedit makefile
- \- g++ -shared -O3 -o $@ $^
- \+ g++ -shared -O3 -m64 -fPIC -o $@ $^
- %.o : %.cpp
- \- g++ -g -O3 -o $@ -c $<
- \+ g++ -g -O3 -m64 -fPIC -o $@ -c $<
OR (better and more clear)
Locate line: g++ -shared -O3 -o $@ $^
Insert after -O3: -m64 -fPIC
Locate line: g++ -g -O3 -o $@ -c $<
Insert after -O3: -m64 -fPIC
# sudo make clean
# sudo make all
# cd ../../..
# python Lucas.py
If Error: ValueError: PyCapsule_GetPointer called with invalid PyCapsule object
Uncomment every line of the repositories sources that begin with deb-src, so erase the character # in the first position of every line with deb-src and save at the end... and update the repositories
# mcedit /etc/apt/sources.list
# sudo apt-get update
Prepare the compiler and directory of sources where will be downloaded...
# sudo apt-get install Cython bison build-essential checkinstall g++
# sudo apt-get install apt-file apt-src
# sudo apt-file update
# sudo chown $USER /usr/local/src
# sudo chmod u+rwx /usr/local/src
Download, compile and reinstall sphinxbase
# sudo apt-src install --location=/usr/src -i python-sphinxbase
# cd /usr/src/sphinxbase-0.8/
# sudo rm python/sphinxbase.c
# sudo ./configure
# sudo make clean
# sudo make
# sudo checkinstall
# sudo dpkg -i *.deb
Download, compile and reinstall pocketsphinx
# sudo apt-src install --location=/usr/src -i python-pocketsphinx
# cd /usr/src/pocketsphinx-0.8.0+real/
# sudo rm python/pocketsphinx.c
# sudo ./configure
# sudo make clean
# sudo make
# sudo checkinstall
# sudo dpkg -i *.deb
Try to execute again LucasChess...
# cd ~/lucaschess/
# python Lucas.py
Hi Mandy, one idea can be to create an entry of the blog to show your instructions. If you allow me, I could copy your message.
DeleteEncantado Lucas, pues claro que sí, has con estas instrucciones lo que mejor estimes y puedes contar con mi modesto apoyo... Te agradezco esta maravilla que has hecho y que estoy estudiando poco a poco su funcionamiento y siento no haberla descubierto antes.
DeleteEstoy averiguando si tu programa usa directamente los "Engines" ya instalados en Linux por defecto o los que aparecen en "EnginesLinux" que vienen con la fuente pues en tus fuentes no están compilados para arquitectura ARM (Raspberry Pi) y habría que optar por portarlos e instalarlos ahí y usar el mismo nombre que los ejecutables que vienen defecto tras recompilarlos (o ponerlos en una carpeta aparte para esa arquitectura con el consiguiente enlace del programa a estos engines en esa carpeta) y recompilar los que se puedan para ARM corrigiendo los fallos de compilación que se presenten.
Pudiera brindarte los paquetes ya compilados para Debian/Ubuntu/LinuxMint en architectura ARM e i386 y de esa forma no habría que recompilar y hacer tantos arreglos, sino descargarlos quizás del git e instalarlos.
Estoy repasando y viendo si es posible portar tu programa (la ventaja un poco de python) para que se muestre en un ambiente web. No sé si has estudiado esa opción que sería la bomba en un ambiente educativo en red y que el profesor un poco pueda ver que hace cada alumno desde el servidor y que pueda controlar y dar puntualmente observaciones a cada uno...
Vamos a ver si tras cacharrear un poco el programa me pongo y hago un manual que permita uno saber por donde empezar y que lo guíe poco a poco en la lógica del programa pues con tantas opciones se pierde uno creo.
Un saludo y gracias por tu enorme aporte.
Perfecto Mandy. Desde mi punto de vista lo mejor sería poder proporcionar lotes completos al usuario, similar al instalador de windows. Los motores hay que definirlos en código. Habría que crear una carpeta por ejemplo EnginesARM, con unos cuantos motores compilados en esta arquitectura.
DeleteEl programa utiliza pyqt4 como librería GUI, y no creo que sea portable a web.
Quizás lo mejor es que me escribas directamente a lukasmonk en gmail.
Lucas, tu programa es una bendición para todos los aficionados del ajedrez que queremos entrenar de forma sistemática.
ReplyDeleteMandy, gracias por el excelente y pulcro trabajo de transcribir las instrucciones para instalar lucaschess, en especial para los que tenemos Linux, pero somos principiantes en ese sistema operativo.
I have Ubuntu 14.0.4LTS but when I tried to compile it , I had an error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Lucas.py", line 41, in
import Code.Init
File "./Code/Init.py", line 13, in
from Code import Procesador
File "./Code/Procesador.py", line 5, in
from Code import Albums
File "./Code/Albums.py", line 5, in
from Code import Books
File "./Code/Books.py", line 7, in
from Code import ControlPosicion
File "./Code/ControlPosicion.py", line 1, in
import LCEngine
ImportError: No module named LCEngine
What is the problem ?
More info in Immortal chess forum, from 489 message