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Instructions to install LucasChess in Linux

Author: Mandy

Tested in :
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu Mate 
  • Raspbian GNU/Linux 201505 (ARM Architecture) on Raspberry Pi 2
  • Ubuntu 14.04 32 bits i386 on Intel Architecture

# sudo apt-get update
Debian/Linux (# cat /etc/issue)
# sudo apt-get install python-pip mc python-pyaudio python-sip swig python-psutil python-chardet git sphinxbase pocketsphinx pyqt4-dev-tools pyqt4-dev-tools python-qt4

Ubuntu (# cat /etc/issue)
# sudo apt-get install python-pip mc python-pyaudio python-sip swig python-psutil python-chardet git python-sphinxbase python-pocketsphinx pyqt4-dev-tools python-qt4

# cd ~
# git clone
# cd lucaschess
# sudo pip install pygal
# sudo chmod -R 777 *
# python

Optional: Install other userful chess software's and engines

# sudo apt-get install crafty crafty-books-medium cutechess fairymax fruit glaurung gnuchess gnuchess-book hoichess polyglot pychess stockfish toga2 xboard scid scid-data scid-rating-data scid-spell-data

When error to execute, we try to recompile (- \- : delete line, - \+ insert line)
# cd EnginesLinux/winglet/srclinux
# mcedit makefile

- \- g++ -shared -O3 -o $@ $^
- \+ g++ -shared -O3 -fPIC -o $@ $^

- %.o : %.cpp
- \- g++ -g -O3 -o $@ -c lt;
- \+ g++ -g -O3 -fPIC -o $@ -c lt;
OR (better and more clear)
Locate line: g++ -shared -O3 -o $@ $^
Insert after -O3: -fPIC

Locate line: g++ -g -O3 -o $@ -c lt;
Insert after -O3: -fPIC 

# sudo make clean
# sudo make all
# cd ../../..
# python

If Error: ValueError: PyCapsule_GetPointer called with invalid PyCapsule object

Uncomment every line of the repositories sources that begin with deb-src, so erase the character # in the first position of every line with deb-src and save at the end... and update the repositories

# mcedit /etc/apt/sources.list
# sudo apt-get update

Prepare the compiler and directory of sources where will be downloaded...
# sudo apt-get install Cython bison build-essential checkinstall g++
# sudo apt-get install apt-file apt-src
# sudo apt-file update
# sudo chown $USER /usr/local/src
# sudo chmod u+rwx /usr/local/src

Download, compile and reinstall sphinxbase
# sudo apt-src install --location=/usr/src -i python-sphinxbase
# cd /usr/src/sphinxbase-0.8/
# sudo rm python/sphinxbase.c
# sudo ./configure
# sudo make clean
# sudo make
# sudo checkinstall
# sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Download, compile and reinstall pocketsphinx
# sudo apt-src install --location=/usr/src -i python-pocketsphinx
# cd /usr/src/pocketsphinx-0.8.0+real/
# sudo rm python/pocketsphinx.c
# sudo ./configure
# sudo make clean
# sudo make
# sudo checkinstall
# sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Try to execute again LucasChess...
# cd ~/lucaschess/
# python


  1. Sorry but you lost me at "Uncomment every line of the repositories sources that begin with deb-src, so erase the character # in the first position of every line with deb-src and save at the end... and update the repositories"

    Can you please elaborate on how to do this?


    1. Sorry, this is a Mandy work, I don´t know its meaning.
      There is a trick to surpase pocketsphinx compilation:
      Look for file in Code folder:
      Line 11, change to:

      # from pocketsphinx.pocketsphinx import Decoder
      class Decoder:

      Then forgive all from Uncoment till Try to execute

    2. Is there any reason the lucaschess folder can't be .lucaschess (hidden)?

  2. I'm getting an error trying to run after installing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 41, in
    import Code.Init
    File "./Code/", line 13, in
    from Code import Procesador
    File "./Code/", line 5, in
    from Code import Albums
    File "./Code/", line 5, in
    from Code import Books
    File "./Code/", line 7, in
    from Code import ControlPosicion
    File "./Code/", line 1, in
    import LCEngine
    ImportError: No module named LCEngine

    1. More info in Immortal chess forum, from 489 message

  3. Hi guys! I've prepared PKGBUILD for Arch Linux AUR based on 11th version of LucasChess, though it's very raw:
    Comments and notes are much appreciated!

  4. I know Lucas Chess is free and its a great program. I used to be able to run it on Linux Mint using Wine but they now seem to have "upgraded" Wine. I recently had a little problem with my computer and had to wipe the hd and am now trying to re-intall Lucas Chess but with the changes made in Wine I can no longer run Lucas Chess. I cannot understand Mandy's instructions. I am not a programmer and do not know how difficult it would be but could someone write a version that would run in Linux? I would like to point out that Linux is now the top OS, not Windows anymore.

    1. The problem is that the operating system I've always used is Windows. To compile I use a Windows XP, and I get an installable compatible with any PC/Windows. When I tried something with Linux, I had to take into account, if it is 32/64 bits, Arch Linux, Manjaro, Ubuntu,...... Why PKGBUILD of Valery Huz is not useful for any distribution? I like Linux, but it is a problem for me to create a distribution as I would like, like the installable one I make in Windows.

  5. Hello. I'm new user of Ubuntu. I learned how to install programs which file has .deb extension. My question was that I used to use lucaschess on windows but I couldn't install on Ubuntu. Will be there any lucas.deb so we can install it with easy code such as "sudo apt install ./lucaschess.deb. "

    1. There is not a stable Linux version of the program. In the future my idea is to work on it, but when I have an stable win32 version R.

    2. Thank you Lucas. I hope you will be succeed.


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