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Version 10.12a: database of positions

Once again all changes in the development version 11 have been included in the version 10, except for new engines, and the support of Linux. 

Database of positions: 
  • Initially not included in this version.
  • With some improvements in relation to v9:
    • Import from pks files (G. Rajesh Ganesh)
    • Massive change of tags (Bernhard, peonpasado).
  • With the feedback of Benhard to fix bugs.


  • McBrain 2.1.a is now the new default tutor. It is an adaptation of stockfish done by Michael Byrne

Bugs fixed:
  • Reading pgn files with blank lines (Ed Smith)
  • Crash when Komodo is the engine of a kibitzer (tico-tico)
  • Training Openings by repetition, the name of the training is by default the first opening selected. (rob)
  • In translations (and more) (Nils Andersson) (added transsiberian city labels to the translation)
  • Tourney, saving pgn, double blank line after a game (cja000)
  • A lot of little bugs (tico-tico, Alfonso).


  1. Hello Lucas. Great work. I love Lucas. Is it possible to make Lucas read or import more than one PGN files at the same time? That would be handy. Thank you

  2. Hi, sometimes when playing tourney elo the opponents clock hangs. It is always when he/she is in an unwinnable position with few pieces left on the board and time very short, say less than 30 seconds. Adjourning and restarting starts the clock again but after one second it hangs again. Eventually after starting and restarting enough times, only when there are a few seconds otherwise it just takes too long, it will give you a 'win on time' message. Bit frustrating and i actually lost once on time when the other clock was running ! only the once so not too worried, but the first error occurs at least 1 every 6 or 7 times the stated position is reached. Any help would be appreciated. Notwithstanding this complaint I love Lucas Chess.

    1. I need an example to replicate. There are several engines behind the personalities. A position and the name of a personality could serve me to try a replica.

  3. OK i will track the next instances and keep a log.

  4. Hi, this is an example of a hung file. It has hung with 24 seconds on Helen's clock.

    [Event "Lucas Chess"]
    [Date "2017.04.10"]
    [White "hellen"]
    [Black "Peter C"]
    [Result "*"]
    [WhiteElo "880"]
    [BlackElo "1251"]
    [ECO "D06"]
    [Opening "QGD: Marshall defence"]

    1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nf6 3.cxd5 Nxd5 4.Nf3 e6 5.Nbd2 Bd6 6.e4 Bf4 7.exd5 exd5 8.Qe2+
    Be6 9.g3 Bh6 10.Qb5+ Bd7 11.Qxb7 Nc6 12.Bb5 Rb8 13.Qa6 Nb4 14.Bxd7+ Qxd7 15.Qxa7
    Qd8 16.Kd1 O-O 17.Ne5 Nd3 18.Rb1 Nxf2+ 19.Kc2 Nxh1 20.Nc6 Ra8 21.Nxd8 Rxa7
    22.Nc6 Ra6 23.Nb4 Ra4 24.Nxd5 Ra7 25.Ne7+ Kh8 26.Nf5 Be3 27.Nxe3 Nf2 28.Ra1 Ra6
    29.Nec4 Rc6 30.d5 Rc5 31.b3 Ra8 32.Ba3 Rxa3 33.Kc3 Ra8 34.Kd4 Rb5 35.Rf1 Ng4
    36.Na3 Rb4+ 37.Nac4 Rd8 38.Rxf7 c6 39.h4 cxd5 40.Kc5 Rbb8 41.Nd6 Nh6 42.Re7 Rf8
    43.Re6 Nf5 44.Nb1 Nxd6 45.g4 d4 46.Rxd6 d3 47.Kd5 Rbc8 48.Re6 Rc1 49.Na3 d2 *

    1. I have found the problem, in some situations the engine (greko) doesn't calc a correct move, and in that case the game must be assigned to the user, I have added this.
      Thank you very much.

  5. Is it possible to add an option to keep the tutor enabled, but not suggest a move? I'd like to have on-the-fly analysis of each move and its score, without having to tell the tutor to ignore its suggestion after every single move. If such an option exists, please point me to it. Thanks!

    1. You could disable the tutor, and use a kibitzer from Utilities menu.

  6. Thanks for your response. Unfortunately I find the kibitzer a bit distracting, and it doesn't rate my moves like a tutor does either. So if it is possible to add an option for a "silent tutor", one that scores all your moves without making any suggestions, it would be great. Thanks.

    1. But, an analysis at end of a game do the same work.

    2. Yes, that is what I use now. But it would really cool if it could happen real-time. This is just a suggestion, please disregard it if it is too much work.

  7. Lucas rocks. I like to know any way to add more tactics from PGN files?

    1. Menu Tools-PGN viewer-Read PGN and select the pgn file.
      Then Utilities-Create tactics

  8. PGN Viewer imports only 999 puzzles, any way to get it increased?

    1. I need more info, I have imported now a file with 4000 games without problem.

  9. Sorry, PGN Viewer loads PGN files even with 10K games. But When I create Tactics Training from Utilities Menu, it create tactics with 999 only.

    1. You can change this number (999) to the maximum.

  10. Where can I find this settings? Thanks

    1. Training-Learn tactics by repetition-
      New-Manual configuration-the first field can be changed from 999.

  11. Прошу рассмотреть возможность в авто сохранения сыгранных партий файл сохранять последние 10,20,партий остальные удаляются автоматически

  12. Hello Lucas! There's a problem with the Ufim 8.02 (1400) engine.

    1. I did not know how to replicate the problem.

    2. When I click on Play - Play against a engine and I choose Ufim 8.02, after few moves in the match so the engine stop working.

    3. Try to exec directly Ufim, from the folder of Lucas Chess/Engines/Windows/ufim and test if works in your pc and say me.

  13. Hi Lucas anyway to read in multiple games? I get there is a database but I have the pgns and dont want to have to manually input the games. Thanks

    1. In the Database window, you can presss Database icon, then Import from, PGN....

    2. Ok but is there a way to read in multiple files?

    3. Also is there a way to move the games up or down in the database

    4. Version 11 will have (the development version has it now) the possibility to select more than one file.

    5. In relation to move games, It doesn't seem like a difficult idea to implement.

  14. Also there is a bug where when you import a file it imports it from the last directory you were in, not the directory you are actually importing from

    1. Sorry, I haven't been able to replicate this.
      I need more information.


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