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Version 11.16: update of McCain and Komodo

This update is almost the same that last, but with the upgrade of two engines:

  • McCain that is the default tutor used by the program, now updated to version X3. The author is Michael Byrne (link with a lot of information).
  • Komodo, whose authors have freed version 10 (link).
There are some bugs fixed thanks to the feedback of Paul T in relation to chess engines tournaments, and....

Downloads : 
  • Update, from Information menu, Search for updates


  1. Good to see the blog post after a while :) Thank You

  2. Thank you so much! Is a ChessGenius Exclusive support planned?


    1. Hi Harry, not now, I don´t know in future.

    2. Right now I'm in a reprogramming process adapting to a new version of python and the main graphical library, as well as an internal remodeling. I mean I don't have time to include new features.
      On the other hand it's not easy to support Chess Genius.

    3. I understand. Thanks for explaining it.

      Maybe you have time for the feature at some point. I will wait eagerly too. It would be heaven on earth for me.

      Thank you so, so much!

  3. Replies
    1. It's very hard to implement.

    2. Yes, I say the same thing , is hard to implement, and probably will introduce bugs (as a code gets complex the probability of bugs increase). So it would be a plus burden which need to be maintained . . . head-ache.

    3. I also agree 3d is a dumb idea. Nobody really uses it where it is available because it is harder to see the pieces. For proof, go to any chess blog site where they discuss gransmaster games and notice that all the boards they show are 3d. The best place to put his time is into integrating kibiterz into the main screen IMO.

  4. Hi Lucas,
    I am trying to define new personality for Komodo. Selected the following option: Play > Play against an engine of your new choice > Basic configuration > +Personality

    Here i am not able to control the Elo of the engine. Is there any ways i can define the custom Elo rather than choosing Engines with fixed elo.

    Many Thanks,

    1. Hi Arun, the fixed elo is only configurable when the engine includes it in its options uci, and Komodo doesn't support this. Other way to configure one of the engines is to create an External engine, and in that window press Import, ...., and change the uci options.

    2. Thanks a lot Lucas for the prompt response the solution. Sorry for the delay. The solution perfectly worked for Houdini :)

  5. is there any possibility to add grand masters engines to the engines tournament?

    1. I don´t know what you mean with Gran Master engine, I guess an engine configurated to play like a GM. In tournaments any UCI engine can be added, and it can be configurated to use a polyglot book done with games of that Grand Master.

  6. Hi Lucas,

    There's a bug with kitbitzers and copying FEN position on tactic problems when the problem is black to move. The kitbitzer does not analyse the position at the start of the problem even when you scroll to it. Instead it will analyse the position at the end of the problem. Copying FEN will also only give you the ending position. There's no issue however when the problem is white to move.

    1. Sorry, I don´t understand what "copying FEN position on tactic problems" means, I need the name of the option you select to do that, to try tp replicate.

  7. utilities -> save -> FEN format -> copy to clipboard.

    It will copy the end position of a tactic even when you scroll to the beginning of the problem, and there's no way you can copy or analyse the starting position when the problem is black to move.

    1. I've been able to replicate it, I'll try to correct it.
      Ctrl-C is faster.
      Ctrl-K shows all shortcuts.

      This is a link to file Gestor.pyo, you could change this file in your copy, in the root folder of LucasChess, subfolder Code, replacing a file with the same name.

    3. Thanks Lucas, Crtl-C is now copying the correct position. Guess the kitbitzer issue will be an easy fix after this. :)

  8. Hi, thanks for the update, I was wondering if you could make it an option or default to have your moves be based on the square you click, so you dont actually have to click exactly on the piece to drag it, rather just the square its on, thats what like every chess site does and i find it really annoying to have to click exactly on the piece, just an idea though

    1. You may be referring to Options-Configuration-Boards-Mouse shortcuts-...predictive, two ways are implemented: first you must press square origin and square destination, second you press destination and if only one move to that square it is done, if more than one, you must press origin then.

    2. Thank you...did not see that

  9. Por favor, pregunto si puedes indicarme. Estoy tratando de escribir un libro de ajedrez con partidas, y unas cuantas ideas mías. Busco un software de ajedrez que cree imágenes de tablero con una posición de la partida. Si es posible, gratis. Supongo que las imágenes serían JPG ó PNG y luego yo las uniría o coordinaría con mis textos para armar el libro. Pregunto si tu software Lucas Chess lo hace. Si fuera que no, acaso sabes si el Chess Base Light me sirve. Muchas gracias.

    1. Si pulsas Ctrl-K, se muestran los atajos de teclado para copiar el tablero en el portapapeles como imagen, o crear un fichero png.
      Para cambiar colores y coordenadas, ... en Opciones, Colores, Tablero general.

  10. Por fsvor, ¿dónde me estás hablando? ¿Acaso en Lucas Chess, o en Chess Base Light? Por anticipado te agradezco mucho tu atención. Es muy importante para mí. Te enviaré copia de lo que estoy escribiendo. Saludos.

    1. De Lucas Chess, Chess Base Light no conozco como funciona.
      Suerte con el proyecto del libro.

  11. Hello, the download links don't seem to work.

  12. Hi Lucas,

    Just found another bug in turn on the lights. Once you finished all levels and click rebuild, you can not enter the same mode in turn on the lights anymore. I just finished all levels of Auerswald tactics (calculation mode, initial) and now I can't even enter the same game mode anymore.

    1. I need the file to replicate the problem, its name is uwe_easy_calc.tol in UsrData folder in the LucasChess installation, you could send it to my email lukasmonk at gmail.

    2. Hi Lucas,

      You can try the option 'Remove all results of all levels' on the turn on the lights menu and that causes the same issue. It seems to happen to any uwe_easy_calc.tol file.

    3. Thanks.
      With your indications, I've been able to replicate the problem, and to fix it. In your case, all you have to do is delete the file uwe_easy_calc.tol, in the UsrData folder.

  13. A different chess set that can be added to the Pieces folder:

    1. Good set.
      I only need to know if it is legal to publish and distribute with the program, without any doubt.

    2. IMO that's not what the law says. It says you can't "distribute or import for distribution copyright management information *knowing* that the copyright management information has been removed or altered without authority of the copyright owner or the law, or..."

      "Knowingly" is there many times.

      . So you don't need to know beyond any doubt that you are not knowingly stealing other people's code.

  14. A file called 1000_short_Chernev from Bill Wall's website will not show games 155,381, and 925 when using Lucas. Scid vs PC will show all 1000 games.

    1. Move -- is not supported (1. e4 -- 2.):

      [Event "London"]
      [Site "London"]
      [Date "1845"]
      [Round "?"]
      [White "Kennedy"]
      [Black "Staunton"]
      [Result "0-1"]
      [SetUp "1"]
      [FEN "rnbqkbnr/ppppp1pp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"]

      1. e4 -- 2. d4 e6 3. Bd3 c5 4. dxc5 Qa5+ 5. Nc3 Bxc5 6. Ne2 Nc6 7. O-O Nf6 8. Ng3 O-O 9. a3 Qd8 10. b4 Bb6 11. Bg5 Bd4 12. Nge2 Bb6 13. Kh1 Ne5 14. Bh4 Neg4 15. Na4 Nxe4 16. Bxd8 Nexf2+ 17. Kg1 Nh3+ 18. Kh1 Ngf2+ 19. Rxf2 Nxf2+ 20. Kg1 Be3 21. Qb1 Nd1+ 22. Kh1 Rf1+ 23. Ng1 Nf2# 0-1

  15. I downloaded the latest version of Lucas Chess last night, and everything was working well. I got up this morning to use it and it won't open at all, it just instantly closes itself. It stays in the task manager for a second or two before disappearing. I've tried restarting my computer, reinstalling the program several times, and I've tried making it an exception to my antivirus software, and nothing works. I'd really like to continue using it because I enjoyed the brief time I had with it!

    1. File bug.log could explain something to me.
      Perhaps it needs to install as administrator.
      Other test could be to rename UsrData subfolder of LucasChess as UsrData1 by example.

    2. I opened the bug.log and saw this error, but have no idea what it means:

      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 58, in
      File "Code\Init.pyo", line 25, in init

      File "Code\QT\Gui.pyo", line 27, in lanzaGUI

      File "Code\QT\Gui.pyo", line 168, in pideUsuario

      File "Code\QT\Gui.pyo", line 130, in __init__

      AttributeError: Usuario instance has no attribute 'trlucas'

    3. RoobixCyoob: you could remove users.pkx in the UsrData folder of LucasChess installation.

  16. A tip: an option to be able to stop a tournament between engines after finishing a game and then be able to continue it in the future

    1. Are you talking about an adjourn in the middle of a game ?


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