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Version 11.13d: finally graphics created directly on the board

Graphics created directly on the board

This is a long-demanded option, the list of people who have requested it from me is too large to include here.
The working mode is similar to that of Lichess, if it is a square selected a circle is shown, if they are several squares an arrow is shown, by default. 
It can be customized from the Director option, each element of the band is associated to a key (None, Alt, Shift, Ctrl) pressed at same time right mouse.

Elements associated can be changed  from Director

The deletion of elements is done by creating an equal element. The keys Ctrl-F1 to delete the last created element and Ctrl-F2 to delete all of them also work.

When Director mode (activated by pressing F1,...F10), Shift+Alt+Right Mouse allows user to choose a piece to add.

As a facility, when working in Opening Lines, with the right button you can create graphic elements that are associated with the position directly.

This behaviour can be disabled from Options-Configuration-Boards:

Also when playing, from Utilities menu can be disabled/enabled.

Other new

  • When playing against an engine from Playing against any engine option, all moves from rival are cached, then if Reinit, allways plays same moves to same positions.

Bugs fixed
  • Exporting database to PGN, some labels fixed (thanks to Marc)
  • Tournaments between engines, memory leaks (thanks to Paul T.).
  • Everest training does not work when the use of the tutor engine in the background is deactivated, (thanks to Duntoria).
From 11.13 to 11.13a
  • Bug: playing against any engine, without time limit (thanks to Batu 64)

From 11.13a to 11.13b
  • Bug: opening lines, to play against engines, it only allows to play against the last one.
  • Bug: tournaments, when creating a new group of games does not show any game.
From 11.13b to 11.13c
  • Bug: training tactics by repetition, when manual configuration (thanks to Bernd H).
From 11.13c to 11.13c
  • Changed all the windows/dialogs to set the hint for close buttons to Linux64 support (coded by Lelanthran Manickum)
  • Bug: Opening lines, blocking when analyzing with the engine (thanks to Eren K).
  • Bug: Tournaments between engines, visualizing games window doesn´t works first time (thanks to Giovanni and  Paul T)
    Downloads : 

    • Update, from Information menu, Search for updates


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. If possible, it would be nice to add 64 bit to internal engines.

      1. 32 bits engines work well in windows and are enough monster to play against. This facilitate me the distribution.
        It is easy to add 64 bit engines.

      2. I understood, you're right ...

    3. Hello! There is an error in this version. For example:
      We made the 1st move.
      Engine made 2nd move.
      We can't make the 3th move! Because, it's never coming to us!

      Thanks, I wish you success.

      1. Fix published, thank you very much.

      2. Very good, I would like to assign a game editor "edision partidas" written in Spanish, is to place the pieces the way we want, edit the turn that is "be white or black" blanca or negra and know what play to do next

      3. Maybe you're referring to Tools-Create your own game-Config-Start position.
        Then Ctrl 1

    4. Hi.
      When you will have time, can you try an Engine Tournament with my "Acqua" Engine? The results and the ganes are NOT registered.... is it a problem of my "Acqua"?
      Thank you

      1. Hi Giovanni, it is not a problem of Acqua, there is a bug when first run, I am trying to fix.

    5. Hi Lucas.

      Thank you very much for this great program and all the efforts that you put into it! I really love Lucas Chess!

      I have one question: Is it possible to enter moves via the keyboard in short notation like "Nf3" instead of the coordinate notation "g1 f3"? That would be really cool in order to quickly copy the moves from a game notation on paper into LucasChess.

      Best regards,

      1. Thank you very much Lucas!

        I also noticed some minor bugs with the audio move announcement (if at all, it is probably something for the bottom of the ToDo list): Sometimes when a Bishop is taken, the program says "Queen takes b g4" instead of "Queen takes Bishop g4". This occurs only occasionally and I could not really nail down when exactly it happens and when not.

        Also it always says "Check" and "Check Mate" twice for example in the move "Qd1+" its says "Queen d1 Check Check" and in the move "Qd1#" it says "Queen d1 Check Mate Check Mate" (is that intentional?).

        Another thing is, if a pawn promotes and in turn gives a check, like the move "d1=Q+" then it says "Pawn d1 promotes to promotes to Check Check" (I have "=" set up to say "promotes to"), so its says the "=" twice, leaves out the "Q" and says "+" twice.

        Best regards,

      2. Tobias, I have fixed this, if you want you can email me to lukasmonk at gmail and I can send you code changed to test.

      3. Wow! That was super fast. Thank you very much Lucas! I have sent you an Email.

        Best regards,

    6. hello since the last update 1113d the download links are reported dangerous by Windows defender SmartScreen. previous versions did not have this warning, is there a major change?

      1. No, the changes with respect to the previous update are minimal. Only one library has been changed in the code, but the library (scandir) is absolutely reliable.

      2. thanks for the quick response, but i do not question the file anyway, for some reason that mistrusts SmartScreen from windows 10 consider the link / address of the packet storing unauthorized . strange!
        Brief! I still my stay here to thank you for the work done at this app. it has already made me a LOT of progress and gives me a pleasure and a challenge. thx dev :)

      3. I do not know if there is way to contact the manager of SmartScreen to send this inconvenience?
        I want to point out that your link tested by
        " " is totally safe.

      4. Thank you very much. I´ll try to submit it to Microsoft but the limit is 50Mb.

    7. Hello it's me again. I feel the bug I reported (when playing a game against an "opponent for young players") has not been completely fixed yet. Answering the dialog box for a rematch with "yes" clears the move list but does not restart the game. You have to click "Pause" and "Continue" to get out of the last game. Windows 7

    8. es un programa excelente te felicito lucas , eres tremendo programador y jugador.. Gracias por este programa uno de los mejores si no el mejor y gratis ... Jose Santiago desde Caracas-Venezuela


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