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Showing posts from June, 2013

Version 8 step 5: kibitzers

This new step has some improves: New kibitzers. More precision when selecting and dragging pieces ( Heikki Junes ). "Determine your calculating power" option shows now real game(Toan Luong). Started the  Completed translation into vietnamese (Toan Luong) New set of pieces, Abxtadt by Geronimo. Fixed bugs and some other changes, thanks to Dariusz Popadowski, Uli R&U, Heikki Junes, Dieter Heinrich,...  Kibitzers in 8 dev version now are : Candidates <new> : shows highest ranked candidate moves of current position. (Proposed long time ago by istolacio) Indexes <new> : shows abstract and concrete position indexes. Michele Tumbarello has made a great work improving/extending previous indexes, new guide can be downloaded from Best move : only best move considered by engine is showed. Best move in one line <new> : to reduce space used by the kibitzer, is showed in one...