Some days ago Juan Carlos Antón, head of UNED chess school , does give me permission to include tactical positions from the PDFs on the downloads of UNED web, which I consider very educational. The problem is there is no possibility of obtaining original fens. The solution to ease my work, has been to create something like an OCR of image positions, which at this specific case is working very well. Only three concepts are handled : mark, deduce, and learn. First, mark the board, the next step is to deduce, if there are errors the user corrects them manually and asked the program to learn from them. At the beginning there are quite a few errors, but less and less. To mark the Board a transparent window is launched that occupies the desk and lets see the PDF and select a position. It is selected with the mouse by dragging a corner to the other, and it is fitted with the arrow keys. At the end the Enter key is pressed to accept the selected and continue in the program window