New help documents The lack of direct support for the programme has always been one of the programme's Achilles heels, which has been mitigated thanks to the contributions made in several languages and included in the Documents section of the website. Bru888 has produced the most complete guide to the programme. It is a guide divided into 5 parts Play, Train, Compete, Tools, Options, which can be accessed from the documents section of the website. Translations I am aware that it requires a huge effort that is not very visible. I have tried to provide some additional tools, so that from the program itself you can see the changes as you translate (Options/General configuration/Activate translator help mode). I would like this to be a help to translators, and to encourage more people in those languages that are not sufficiently translated. For native English speakers, please keep in mind that English is just another language to translate, and there may be some mistranslations, so he