Version 6.0 beta 3 : LucasChessPortable60beta3.exe News : Support to DGT boards (proposed and tested by Trebejo), if you have a DGT board : First : Options-Configuration When playing, +Options Enable, and this is remembered in the following games In "Create your own game" : adding a "Save as" option. When you restore/save a game, is enabled this option, to diferentiate from option Save that refer to file restore or saved previously. In "Game against an engine of your choice" : Time : New option to set extra minutes for the player. If player loses on time, ask whether to add more. (Proposed by Trebejo). Custom personalities : Added two options for control of blunders, when mate, or loss of points is considerable. (proposed by Trebejo) Can be configured the maximum points gives the engine to equalize position (50=default). New common personalities In "Create your own game" and "Game against a