Bugs: Bug in engines processing is some PCs (thanks to Phillip Watts). Tactics by UNED chess school, Pin missing (thanks to bolokay). Updated Italian translation (thanks to Michele and Maurizio).
Bugs: Bug in engines processing is some PCs (thanks to Phillip Watts). Tactics by UNED chess school, Pin missing (thanks to bolokay). Updated Italian translation (thanks to Michele and Maurizio). To update:
Bugs: Closing engines (thanks to lulu) Launching kibitzers Reinit in Create your own game, doesn't maintain rival engine when activated previously (thanks to Remes) Translations updates: Greek (thanks to Nick Delta) Arabic (thanks to Mohamad Alhedhed)
Bug fixed: Play like a GM, fixed imports of new GMs. (thanks to anonymous, pierjean) News: External engines, added Command option, to create a new external engine as a command line, to test (thanks to mamago92) 10.02 -> 10.03 some missing files (Thanks to Johannes R. )