News: Bugs in Opening selection, with long openings, widgets may be overlapped. (Max Aloyau) Some labels fixed in english translation thanks to Nick Delta. Engines: Acqua new engine (844 elo) by Giovanni Di Maria. DiscoCheck updated to 5.2.1. Gull 3 by ThinkALot. Rethoric updated to 1.4.3. Included 64 bits-BMI2 versions to: stockfish, komodo, texel, gull, cheng, deepfish, critter. In Configuration/Engines can be activated. External engines, added option Import of internal engines. Turn on the lights Included in long-term trainings. It is other way to study tactics, with a velocity component. Divided in levels, all levels works with the same block of positions. To work with a block of positions, double click over a cell. The order of positions in the same block (cell) is changed each time. Two groups of training, based on the corresponding tactics: UNED chess school Uwe Auerswald Initial position Working... Result after a lot of work.