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Showing posts from 2016

Version 10.10.3: save positions to FNS/PGN

New update: Bugs fixed: Turn on the lights: don´t save to pgn (Alfonso L) Albums, Adjourn doesn´t work (Rianer U)  Lucas-Elo in Russian( and others), first engines don´t work (dtz) Training positions, an engine is open and not closed each position (dtz) External engines, better handle for UCI "type string" (fixed by tico-tico in ) News: Windows EXE, added "check for updates at startup" option in Configuration/General. (alexxelaart) New option in Configuration/Boards to hide/show cursor when engine is thinking.(GB) New Tool: Save positions to FNS/PGN (Remes+peonpasado) Version 10.10.1: Bug fixed, new databases do not work ( Serg Iv ). Version 10.10.2-3: Kibitzer candidates, copy to clipboard the selected line (Cliff Sears) Tools/PGN Viewer/Read a PGN: fixes problem filtering numeric fields (fixed by fonkap) Fixes small bugs related to analysis (fixed by fonkap) Sounds played now with a

Version 10.09: some bugs fixed

Bugs fixed: Mat in 1/2 freezes (alexxelaart+RU) Analysis, adding variants, bad num move. Kibitzers with non english symbols. (massivfat) Database, edit, paste, read PGN (Tobi) Information links, don´t works in Linux (Coyote112358) Changes: Information panel in a game, added splitter to accomodate sizes between variants and comments Engines: Updated Rodent II (Pawel Koziol) to 0.9.64 Updated Stockfish to version 8 in Linux engines. Updated translations: Greek(Nick Delta), Vietnamese(Toan Luong), French(Max Aloyau)

Version 10.08: some aesthetic changes

 1. Main toolbar can be configured,  there are four options: The text appears under the icon (default) The text appears beside the icon Only display texts Only display icons 2. Non distract mode [ALT-N], when playing, only the board is visible (johan) 3. Keys actives in each moment can be consulted pressing ALT-K 4. Competition and Elo-Rating are now in the "Play" menu. To update:

Version 10.07: stockfish 8

News: Updated stockfish to version 8. Play like a GM, new option in its configuration window: "Show all evals" Training openings against a book, added traceback and help options (remes) Bug: Chess your Memory in a chessboard, Beginner don´t works (nick delta) - version updated to 10.07.1 Removed bad analysis messages from stockfish 8 (vga) - version updated to 10.07.2 Playing against low rated engines, added take back again (HB) - version updated to 10.07.2 To update:

Version 10.06: more bugs fixed

Bugs: Bug in engines processing is some PCs (thanks to Phillip Watts). Tactics by UNED chess school, Pin missing (thanks to bolokay). Updated Italian translation (thanks to Michele and Maurizio). To update:

Version 10.04: some bugs fixed

Bugs: Closing engines (thanks to lulu) Launching kibitzers Reinit in Create your own game, doesn't maintain rival engine when activated previously (thanks to Remes) Translations updates: Greek (thanks to Nick Delta)  Arabic (thanks to Mohamad Alhedhed)

Version 10.01: three bugs fixed

Tourney elo, the personalities don´t appear. (detected by nalbouki and PeonPasado) Transsiberian Railway, some problems in the end game training (detected by Will H.) The update system is not working, there is not option to pass from 10.00 to 10.01 via Information/Search for updates.

Version 10: summary of changes

Long term trainings: Trans Siberian Railway : is a long run training with a train travel as an excuse. Expeditions to the Everest : the idea is to play against a collection of games, "Play like a GM" style. All moves are valued and compared with the move of player in the game. Turn on the lights : it is other way to study tactics, with a velocity component. Divided in levels, all levels works with the same block of positions. The Washing Machine : done against all engines with an elo less than 3000, creating a game-puzzles-repeating the game will be repeated until no errors. Start positions:   Scanner of a position : read of start positions images. Training positions : Tactics by UNED chess school, included in Training positions and Learn tactics by repetition. Thanks to Juan Carlos Antón, head of UNED chess school that allows to include the positions in the program. Engines: Updated: Stockfish updated to version 7 Cheng updated to version 4.39 Komod

Version 10: beta 4a, graphics in the analysis improved

News: Resistance training: in configuration added "Lost points in a move" as another limit (idea by Michele Tumbarello). Engines: Updated Deepfish 7 (Marco Zerbinati). New RodentII (Pawel Koziol). Simplified engines internal rutines, thanks to the feedback of Max Aloyau. Kibitzers, indexes: Rodent II is always used, as stablished by author of formulas, Michele Tumbarello. Analysis: improved the graphics, now interactives. (Remes proposal I think, maybe others too)

Version 10: beta 3b, Kidsdraw and the Washing Machine

Kidsdraw , a beautiful new set of pieces to children created by Marc Graziani The Washing Machine: New long term training. The user must win a game against an engine (and to all engines with an elo lower to 3000) with the help of a tutor. For every user's needs of help of the tutor, must solve a puzzle at end of game (something like to get the detergent capsules needed to the wash). When solved all puzzles, must repeat the game and do same or better moves than in the game created (washing), in other case must solve a puzzle for each error, at end of game. This process game-puzzles-game will be repeated until no errors. An index is calculated at end.

Future version 10 step 10: Turn on the lights

News: Bugs  in Opening selection, with long openings, widgets may be overlapped. (Max Aloyau) Some labels fixed in english translation thanks to Nick Delta. Engines: Acqua new engine (844 elo) by Giovanni Di Maria. DiscoCheck updated to 5.2.1. Gull 3 by ThinkALot. Rethoric updated to 1.4.3. Included 64 bits-BMI2 versions to: stockfish, komodo, texel, gull, cheng, deepfish, critter.  In Configuration/Engines can be activated. External engines, added option Import of internal engines. Turn on the lights Included in long-term trainings. It is other way to study tactics, with a velocity component.  Divided in levels, all levels works with the same block of positions. To work with a block of positions, double click over a cell. The order of positions in the same block (cell) is changed each time. Two groups of training, based on the corresponding tactics: UNED chess school Uwe  Auerswald Initial position Working... Result after a lot of work.

Future version 10 step 09: Database

News: Tools - Database : changed internally to allow to change/save more information. With more filters... New translations in process: Greek by Nick Delta Romanian by Dan-Alexandru Raportaru Engines: Komodo updated to version 8. Everest training Added training by openings. Clicking on the letters of the board moves forward or backward (PeonPasado)

Future version 10 step 08: Irina

News: New chess engine, Irina v. 0.11 and an aproximated elo of 1200, it includes program beginners personalities: Monkey, Lion, .... Irina is a weak adaptation of chess engine Winglet of Stef Luijten. Updated Norman Pollock openings to tournaments of engines. link Bug fixed(?): When the mouse is on the board the scroll works opposite (Teddy, jojoB) Transsiberian training, changed tactics of level 0, now are from UNED chess school. Added Steven as a new personality to beginners. Added Irina personalities to engine selection in Play against any engine. Added Lucas-elo engines to engine selection in Play against any engine. 08a: bugs fixed reported by jojoB.

Future version 10 step 06: tactics by UNED chess school and some expeditions

Latest developments: Tactics by UNED chess school, included in Training positions and Learn tactics by repetition. Thanks to Juan Carlos Antón, head of UNED chess school that allows to include the positions in the program. Link to sources   Scanner of positions, added support to flipped boards. New option in Trainings: Long-term trainings, it is included Training on a map, Transsiberian railway and  Expeditions to the Everest : The idea is to play against a collection of games, "Play like a GM" style. All moves are valued and compared with the move of player in the game. There is a tolerance value, that is the maximum points can be lost, when this value is passed then user must repeat the game from beginning. All games are divided in 12 sections, with different number of games and with different limits. There is a maximum of repetitions of the same game, when this maximum is passed, then there is a return to the previous game in the active section. Se