I have fixed some bugs and added small improvements: 1. Playing against any engine, added the option of including a summary about tutor (ADT) 2. Tutor, option to change multiPV value, default is maximum. (thetasquared) 3. New sets of pieces: Jin Alpha author Eric De Mund Prmi author Maurizio Monge Freak author Maurizio Monge Skulls author Maurizio Monge 4. Komodo engine, version changed to 5.1r2 Source code of development version hosted on GitHub (I am testing and learning this new environment for me.) Windows binaries: Instalable: http://dl.bintray.com/lukasmonk/generic/#InsLucasChess9step6.exe Portable: http://dl.bintray.com/lukasmonk/generic/#LucasChessPortable9step6.exe