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Showing posts from 2013

Version 8.01: some bugs fixed and new option Fide-Elo

As expected, some bugs have been detected, and it requires this update: Bugs : Database of positions, removing, renaming, ... ( Nils Andersson) Database of games, saving to PGN ( gvdsloot1994 ) Some English labels ( Nils Andersson) New options: Fide-Elo, based on TWIC database (Chris K.) Using depth and time in the analysis of a game. The analysis stop when one of both is reached.(Philou)

Summary of changes in version 8

Visual changes, Options-Configuration: Showing points of analysis: White´s point of view. if positive wins white, if negative wins black. (shahingy) Pawns vs Centipawns. ( F.Marmale) Show move candidates, when pressing any square.  Show threats, checks, captures when show candidates is on and in any case when consult any move in the game (pressing a piece).(R. Sehgal) Mouse shortcuts, extended.(bbbaro25us) Some GM personalities added to tourney-elo by Michele Tumbarello. The use of winglet engine (created by Stef Luijten ), as a fast internal movement generator.  Some indices in analysis, transcribing the ideas of Michele Tumbarello. More information in the document written by Michele :  advanced info in LC8.pdf . New elo measurement system based on the  database of games of FICS . Using WhiteElo-BlackElo variables to determine the elo of the game in a showdown on the type of "Play like a GM.". Games range is ...

Version 8 release candidate 1

The 24th, if possible, I will publish the version 8, meanwhile here is this release candidate, that includes some small changes in the PGN viewer. The links:

Version 8 step 11 (last+1): Other visualization training

I have added a new training, then a new step have been necessary: This new training is named : "The board at a glance" , and  in spanish "Un vistazo al tablero". The training consists of remembering what pieces are in a position, where they are, if they are attacked or if they attack other pieces.  Previously, the user will be able to choose what characteristics he is interested in to remember. It begins with 3 pieces and finished with 32. Each block of training has a site associated, to the only effects of identifying each one from others. List of trainings Configuration To remember To indicate Achieved Other news: Database has some improve, mainly suggested by IndianaJones about orderings. Now is available a positions database. Engines: Komodo 5 replaces Komodo 4 Stockfish DD (in honor Don Dailey) replaces Stockfish 4 In the help apart, are added: Summary of game modes by Mike Eddies (english) Guia rápida ...

Version 8 step 10 (last): Database and priority

The last step. News: Database, new option in Tools. Process priority in configuration of analysis. (J.Reimers suggestion) Komodo 4

Version 8 step 9: next web

New step with some news: Scoring system is changed, based on a new web (today tomorrow I don´t know). Now when posting your scores, changes are done inmediately and web send feedback to user about its position in relation to other users. New web is hosted in Openshift , and it is programmed in python, then it is possible (to me) a live scoring system.  Improves in "Playing against any engine": It can be selected engines that try to emulate playing style of GMs (created by Michele Tumabrello). Configurations: allows to save active configuration with a name to restore in future.  Updated (25-10-2013)-9.1: Fixed a bug Added: copy to clipboard FEN position in analysis window (M.Larson)  Updated (27-10-2013)-9.2: Fixed bug about saving video configurations. Added: +button in variations panel, to launch directly an engine to respond your moves. (ADT) Updated (27-10-2013)-9.3: Fixed bug in...

Version 8 step 8: bugs fixed

News : More keys in analysis window, ESC to end, Enter to go variations (Pavel Rehulka) Play like a GM, option to play against one game. (Ken Brown and others) Tourney-elo, elo of engines is changed also when winning or losing. (Michele Tumbarello). Bugs fixed, reported by WyoCas and others.

Version 8 step 7.02: correspondence chess and technique

News: New trainings positions : Technique by Michele Tumbarello Correspondence Chess in Tools menu (Ken Brown) (a very first try-it needs a lot of feedback from users) New themes by Michele Tumbarello. Added some new non-standard nags. (Michele) New look "Playing against..." Keyboards shortcuts (left/right/up/down/home/end/avpag/dnpag) in analysis window, and enter in main window to analyze. (Pavel Rehulka) New option "Play current position" in Analysis window and in Utilities menu, in "Playing against any engine", "PGN reader", "Create your own game" (jayriginal) New option in configuration, "Show arrows of variants" (thetasquare) New option in configuration, "Enable information panel by default" (thetasquare) New option in configuration, "Show material" Captured material at beginning vs Difference material (Adaptation from idea Heikki Junes) PGN first comment support Tournaments between engin...

Version 8 step 6: figurines

News: In Configuration, Appearance, can be set a new option : PGN with figurines, idea suggested by Michele Tumbarello. NAG support is improved, now it can be select more than one, and some of them are associated to symbols as in "Sahovsky Informator", idea suggested by Michele Tumbarello.  Kibitzers-Indices, new index, Positional pressure, and as is explained by Michele Tumbarello its author : It measures the amount of pression you exert over your opponent according only to material factors.  In Personal opening guide, in Summary, improved option "Create new guide..."

Version 8 step 5: kibitzers

This new step has some improves: New kibitzers. More precision when selecting and dragging pieces ( Heikki Junes ). "Determine your calculating power" option shows now real game(Toan Luong). Started the  Completed translation into vietnamese (Toan Luong) New set of pieces, Abxtadt by Geronimo. Fixed bugs and some other changes, thanks to Dariusz Popadowski, Uli R&U, Heikki Junes, Dieter Heinrich,...  Kibitzers in 8 dev version now are : Candidates <new> : shows highest ranked candidate moves of current position. (Proposed long time ago by istolacio) Indexes <new> : shows abstract and concrete position indexes. Michele Tumbarello has made a great work improving/extending previous indexes, new guide can be downloaded from Best move : only best move considered by engine is showed. Best move in one line <new> : to reduce space used by the kibitzer, is showed in one...

Version 8 step 4 : improving analysis

This step try to improve analysis, with new indices prepared by Michele : Complexity (formula changed) Most likely result Efficient mobility Narrowness Win percentage More explanations in  Advanced info in LC8.pdf  (changed) by Michele Tumbarello. Another novelty is found when analyzing a game, and in case of detect blunders option is activated, now tactic training is generated (also appears in trainings positions), and two types of training in each tactic, one try to select a good move instead of blunder and the other try to select a move that take advantage of this blunder (some people talk to me about this and I don´t remember who was). When playing with option "Playing against any engine", there is a new option that help to do current move, showing an analysis window of current position. (Michele idea) New indices at end of window Selecting a name to tactics obtained from blunders New option = help to move Downloads: Portable:...

Version 8 step 3: Fics-elo

New step required to solve a couple of basic errors (castling and promotion), in step 2 version. This new version includes a new elo measurement system based on the database of games of FICS . Using WhiteElo-BlackElo variables to determine the elo of the game in a showdown on the type of "Play like a GM.". Games range is between 900 and 2700.

Version 8 step 2: degree of complexity and some leds

This new dev version has two improves : Degree of complexity in analysis, transcribing the ideas of Michele Tumbarello. More information in the document written by Michele :  advanced info in LC8.pdf Show threats, checks, captures when show candidates is on and in any case when consult any move in the game (pressing a piece).(R. Sehgal) Analisys of a move Analisys of a game Leds pressing queen

Version 8 step 1

The next version will be the 8, I have no date for its publication, the most likely to take at least one year, in the meantime I will publish the development version from time to time. To begin, some improves in relation to 7.05 : Visual changes, Options-Configuration: Showing points of analysis: White´s point of view. if positive wins white, if negative wins black. (shahingy) Pawns vs Centipawns. ( F.Marmale) Show move candidates, when pressing any square. Mouse shortcuts, extended.(bbbaro25us) Some GM personalities added to tourney-elo by Michele Tumbarello. And the main change is not visible, the use of winglet engine (created by Stef Luijten ), as a fast movement generator. The idea is to extend its use throughout the program. Recordando a Lucas