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Version 9 step 4: chess positions on a world map.

New training option, externally a little different from the others.
It works with a world map divided into countries, where each country is associated with a chess position, the goal is to solve all the positions of all countries. You get a country when you win its position. Then you can select a border-country and so on.

Maybe in the future I will add more restrictive maps (Africa, America,....), extend the selection of positions, ....

Download portable: LucasChessPortable9step4.exe


  1. Can not open the file . Don't work in my pc

    1. I have now downloaded and it works, I hava uploaded the same file in mediafire:

  2. Is there a list of the countries, I am missing one and can't find it :)

    1. ad, Andorra, fr, es,
      ae, United Arab Emirates, qa, om, sa,
      af, Afghanistan, cn, uz, ir, tm, tj, pk
      al, Albania, me, gr, mk, rs,
      am, Armenia, tr, ge, az, ir,
      ao, Angola, zm, na, cg, cd,
      ar, Argentina, py, bo, uy, br, cl,
      at, Austria, ch, de, it, li, sk, cz, si, hu,
      au, Australia, ki, nz, vu, fj, id, pg
      az, Azerbaijan, ru, tr, ir, am, ge, az
      ba, Bosnia and Herzegovina, hr, me, rs
      bd, Bangladesh, mm, in
      be, Belgium, lu, fr, de, nl
      bf, Burkina Faso, ci, ml, ne, bj, tg, gh
      bg, Bulgaria, ro, tr, gr, mk, rs
      bh, Bahrain, sa
      bi, Burundi, rw, tz, cd
      bj, Benin, tg, bf, ne, ng
      bn, Brunei Darussalam, my
      bo, Bolivia, py, ar, pe, br, cl
      br, Brazil, py, co, ve, sr, bo, gy, gf, ar, pe, uy
      bs, Bahamas, us, cu
      bt, Bhutan, cn, in
      bw, Botswana, na, zw, za, zm,
      by, Belarus, lv, ru, lt, ua, pl,
      bz, Belize, gt, mx
      ca, Canada, dk, us,
      cd, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the, zm, rw, tz, ss, cg, bi, ao, cf, ug
      cf, Central African Republic, cm, ss, cg, cd, td, sd
      cg, Congo, ga, cd, cm, ao, cf
      ch, Switzerland, fr, de, it, li, at,
      ci, Ivory Coast, gn, bf, lr, ml, gh
      cl, Chile, ar, ws, bo, pe,
      cm, Cameroon, gq, cg, cf, ng, ga, td
      cn, China, ru, mn, kg, af, mm, la, jp, vn, bt, kp, tj, in, np, kz, ph, pk, tw, hk, mo,
      co, Colombia, ve, pa, ec, br, pe,
      cr, Costa Rica, ni, pa,
      cu, Cuba, jm, mx, ht, bs,
      cv, Cabo Verde, mr
      cy, Cyprus, lb, sy, tr, gb,
      cz, Czech Republic, sk, de, at, pl,
      de, Germany, be, fr, ch, nl, dk, cz, lu, at, pl,
      dj, Djibouti, et, so, er
      dk, Denmark, ca, de, is, gl, fo,
      dm, Dominica, ht
      do, Dominican Republic, ht,
      dz, Algeria, ma, eh, ml, ne, tn, mr, ly,
      ec, Ecuador, co, pe,
      ee, Estonia, lv, ru,
      eg, Egypt, ps, sd, il, ly,
      eh, Western Sahara, ma, dz, mr
      er, Eritrea, et, dj, sd
      es, Spain, fr, ma, ad, pt,
      et, Ethiopia, dj, ke, ss, so, er, sd
      fi, Finland, ru, se, no, ax,
      fj, Fiji, nz, au, vu
      fm, Micronesia, Federated States of, pg, mh, fr, France, be, ch, nl, ad, mc, de, it, lu, es,, gp, nc, re, pf, tf, pm, wf, mf, fx, yt, mq,
      ga, Gabon, cg, gq, cm, st
      gb, United Kingdom, ie, fr, ck, vc, gs, ag, gg, im, io, gi, lc, tv, nf, sh, pn, vg, bb, bl, bm, je, fk, kn, tc, ai, gd, ms, sb, ky,
      ge, Georgia, ru, az, am, tr,
      gf, French Guiana, sr, lu, br, mc
      gh, Ghana, tg, bf, ci
      gm, Gambia, sn
      gn, Guinea, gw, ci, ml, lr, sn, sl
      gq, Equatorial Guinea, ga, cm
      gr, Greece, bg, tr, al, mk,
      gt, Guatemala, hn, sv, bz, mx,
      gw, Guinea-Bissau, gn, sn
      gy, Guyana, sr, ve, br
      hn, Honduras, ni, gt, sv,
      hr, Croatia, me, si, rs, ba, hu,
      ht, Haiti, do, dm, cu
      hu, Hungary, rs, hr, sk, si, at, ro, ua,
      id, Indonesia, au, tl, my, pg,
      ie, Ireland, is, gb,
      il, Israel, ps, eg, jo, lb, sy,
      in, India, bd, cn, mm, lk, bt, mv, np, pk,
      iq, Iraq, sy, ir, tr, jo, kw, sa,
      ir, Iran, Islamic Republic of, af, iq, tr, am, tm, pk, az,
      is, Iceland, ie, dk,
      it, Italy, va, fr, ch, mt, si, at, sm,
      jm, Jamaica, cu,
      jo, Jordan, iq, sy, sa, il, ps,
      jp, Japan, kr, cn,
      ke, Kenya, ss, et, ug, so, tz,
      kg, Kyrgyzstan, kz, tj, cn, uz,
      kh, Cambodia, vn, th, la
      ki, Kiribati, nz, au, vu
      km, Comoros, mg, mz
      kp, Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of, kr, cn, ru
      kr, Korea, Republic of, kp, jp,
      kw, Kuwait, iq, sa
      kz, Kazakhstan, ru, tm, kg, cn, uz,

    2. la, Lao Peoples Democratic Republic, mm, kh, cn, th, vn
      lb, Lebanon, sy, cy, il,
      li, Liechtenstein, ch, at,
      lk, Sri Lanka, in,
      lr, Liberia, gn, ci, sl
      ls, Lesotho, za
      lt, Lithuania, lv, ru, by, pl,
      lu, Luxembourg, be, fr, de, gf,
      lv, Latvia, ee, ru, lt, by,
      ly, Libya, eg, ne, tn, dz, td, sd,
      ma, Morocco, dz, eh, es,
      mc, Monaco, gf, fr,
      md, Moldova, Republic of, to, ro, ua,
      me, Montenegro, hr, rs, al, ba,
      mg, Madagascar, mu, sc, km, mz,
      mh, Marshall Islands, fm
      mk, Macedonia, rs, bg, al, gr,
      ml, Mali, bf, ci, ne, dz, sn, mr, gn,
      mm, Myanmar, bd, la, cn, th, in
      mn, Mongolia, ru, cn,
      mr, Mauritania, ml, dz, sn, cv, eh
      mt, Malta, tn, it,
      mu, Mauritius, mg
      mv, Maldives, in
      mw, Malawi, zm, tz, mz
      mx, Mexico, cu, gt, us, bz,
      my, Malaysia, bn, ph, sg, id, th,
      mz, Mozambique, sz, mg, tz, zm, za, km, mw, zw
      na, Namibia, zm, bw, za, ao
      ne, Niger, bf, ml, bj, ng, dz, td, ly
      ng, Nigeria, td, cm, bj, ne,
      ni, Nicaragua, cr, hn,
      nl, Netherlands, be, fr, de, aw, cw, bq, sx,
      no, Norway, fi, se, ru, bv, sj,
      np, Nepal, cn, in,
      nr, Nauru, pg
      nz, New Zealand, ws, fj, au, ki, tk, nu,
      om, Oman, ye, sa, ae,
      pa, Panama, cr, co,
      pe, Peru, bo, co, ec, br, cl,
      pg, Papua New Guinea, nr, au, id, fm
      ph, Philippines, my, cn, vn, pw,
      pk, Pakistan, in, ir, cn, af
      pl, Poland, de, sk, cz, lt, ua, by,
      ps, Palestine, State of, eg, jo, il,
      pt, Portugal, es,
      pw, Palau, ph
      py, Paraguay, ar, br, bo,
      qa, Qatar, sa, ae,
      ro, Romania, md, bg, ua, rs, hu,
      rs, Serbia, me, bg, ba, rs, hr, al, mk, hu, ro,
      ru, Russian Federation, cn, no, ee, mn, lt, us, lv, ge, kp, kz, fi, az, ua, by, pl,
      rw, Rwanda, ug, tz, bi, cd
      sa, Saudi Arabia, om, ae, iq, bh, ye, qa, jo, kw
      sc, Seychelles, mg, so
      sd, Sudan, ss, eg, cf, et, td, er, ly,
      se, Sweden, fi, no,
      sg, Singapore, my,
      si, Slovenia, hr, hu, at, it,
      sk, Slovakia, cz, ua, at, pl, hu,
      sl, Sierra Leone, gn, lr
      sm, San Marino, it,
      sn, Senegal, gw, gn, gm, mr, ml
      so, Somalia, sc, et, dj, so, ke
      sr, Suriname, gf, gy, br,
      ss, South Sudan, ke, cf, cd, et, ug, sd
      st, Sao Tome and Principe, ga
      sv, El Salvador, gt, hn,
      sy, Syrian Arab Republic, lb, iq, tr, cy, jo, il,
      sz, Swaziland, za, mz
      td, Chad, cm, ne, ng, cf, ly, sd
      tg, Togo, bf, bj, gh
      th, Thailand, mm, kh, my, la,
      tj, Tajikistan, uz, kg, cn, af,
      tl, Timor-Leste, id
      tm, Turkmenistan, kz, ir, uz, af,
      tn, Tunisia, mt, dz, ly,
      to, Tonga, md, ua
      tr, Turkey, sy, bg, gr, iq, ir, am, cy, ge, az,
      tt, Trinidad and Tobago, ve,
      tz, Tanzania, United Republic of, zm, rw, ke, bi, cd, mw, ug, mz
      ua, Ukraine, ru, md, hu, sk, to, ro, by, pl,
      ug, Uganda, ss, rw, tz, ke, cd,
      us, United States, ru, ca, mx, bs, gu, vi, as, pr, um, mp,
      uy, Uruguay, ar, br,
      uz, Uzbekistan, tj, kz, tm, kg, af,
      va, Holy See Vatican City State, it
      ve, Venezuela, tt, co, gy, br,
      vn, Viet Nam, ph, kh, cn, la,
      vu, Vanuatu, fj, au, ki
      ws, Samoa, nz, cl
      ye, Yemen, om, sa,
      za, South Africa, sz, na, bw, ls, zw, mz,
      zm, Zambia, tz, na, ao, cd, mw, bw, zw, mz,
      zw, Zimbabwe, zm, bw, za, mz,

  3. Sweet, thanks :) I see a few candidates for the one I am missing on the list... is there an easier way to find the one I am missing other than checking down the list and from what I remember?

    1. I could add a query of non-done countries, but to the next version.
      Meanwhile, you have the option to send to my email (lukasmonk at gmail) file Worldmap.db in UsrData to find the country.


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