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Version R2.10

 The new version includes the following:

An in-depth review of the use of the program by Eric.

## Added

* Play human vs human.

* Analysis Bar, which can be activated by playing against an engine or another human or by visualising a game, either directly or from Config, Show/Hide.

* Databases with positions, added option Export to a position sheet in open document format.

## Updated

* Komodo 64 bit basic, regression to 13.02. 14.1 64 bit does not work on some 64 bit pcs.

* Kibitzers, a limit can be added to the depth that the engine analyses.

## Updated languages

* Language Greek by Nick Delta.

* Language French by Eric

* Language Chinese by Zoushen

* Chinese openings by Zoushen

## Engines

* Updated lc0, Version Windows 0.30.0, The LCZero Authors,  [] (

* New lc0 DNNL, Version Windows 0.30.0, The LCZero Authors,  [] (


  1. Greetings from Colombia, I want to ask you how to organize a tournament with students through the intranet or the LAN of my school using LucasChess, I appreciate your collaboration. Cordially, Wilmar Lopez Neira.

    1. A few years ago it was an option included in the program. Then I removed it, I don't remember why, and it didn't matter much either, because nobody complained, I don't think anybody used it. Right now one way to play is using the "Play human vs human" option, with one of the contestants connected with the remote desktop windows option.

  2. Sorry for the delay in translating the update, I've finished it and hopefully it won't affect the software update.

    1. Thank you very much, Zoushen, it was just in time!

  3. Thank you so much for adding my suggestion of the evaluation bar. I also have a few other suggestions: 1. Please make the eval bar to be animated like the ones on and lichess. when i said animated, i mean like you would be able to see it moving from one point to another, unlike this one that was just released where it would disappear and appear from one point to another
    2. If possible, please add an option to play online or through a local network because if people would be a together, I'm sure the number of users of lucas chess will sky rocket
    3. Please please please, can you change the design of the eval bar? like make it more appealing, for example, round the corners a little bit, but not too much. that all.

    Thank you soo much for this app lucas. I hope all these suggestions aren't to much and hard even though i know the second one is less likely but i would really appreciate if at least the first and third suggestions were done. Thanks in advance cuz i know you'll do it😁👌

    1. 1) I have changed something so that the movement is not so abrupt, but surely it will not be the same as lichess or, which in my opinion is not a problem, the information that is shown is the one that corresponds and that is the important thing.

      2) One way to work can be using the windows remote desktop (I suppose that in Linux there will be an identical alternative), which works perfectly.

      3) All the boxes of that window have straight corners, in my opinion it would not be coherent to change this one, to me aesthetically it is correct to me with the straight corners, perhaps because I am not accustomed to another thing.

      I add the option to activate it by default.

  4. Chess leagues are just amazing! Very exciting! Please create a chess cup. With a play-off game.

    1. Bro, please explain how to use chess leagues. I'm yet to understand it😅

    2. I've got the possibility of making other kind of tournaments, but I have no idea when I will start to develop them, probably not in the medium term.
      Chess leagues are simply a competition similar to soccer leagues, played all against all and double round robin. The opponents can be divided into divisions, with the possibility of moving from one division to another at the end of each session. Human opponents can also be included. An elo is initially assigned and evolves according to the results of the games played.

  5. Hello, I would be very grateful if you could include the games or tournaments on LAN or online again, it would be an excellent contribution to the best chess coach I know, Lucaschess. Again very grateful for your work.

    1. Not easy to include and I have not direct feedback.

  6. Very impressed with the Utilities -> Analyze function (especially the flexibility of the parameters for the analysis - and its results). After waiting for an analysis to complete, the "show graphics" submenu appears under Analyze. Just a wishlist to enable the saving of the results shown by "show graphics" proprietary to Lucas Chess (save can only be opened by the app, or ideally saved to a pgn - but it could be more challenging to code).

    1. One way is to save it as lcsb format (Tools/Create your own game) or in a database.

    2. I did not know that the create database function was this powerful, thanks Lucas. I loaded a handful of games in pgn format and did mass analysis on those, and saved so that I did not have to re-do the analysis. The results was a treat. And, I have not explored the Train function in the database yet. Just wow for a tutor material! If I may suggest if we could have the flexibility to load pgn from the Create Our Own Game (rather than manually input) will be awesome as well :).

    3. My bad, Lucas. The Create Your Own Game tool already has the change starting position in Utilities which has all the position formats to load or read. If I explore it further, the features/functionalities are immense. Sorry for the rookie message post.

    4. Many thanks for your hard work . For creating wrong moves, can we have the option to exclude lost positions? Something like ignore 500 cp plus positions?

    5. Take a look to the last version, this has changed.

    6. How wonderful that you implemented my suggestion with workers for the analysis. I thought you had removed my suggestion and did miss the update.
      But this one with excluding lost positions from wrong move training, I couldn't find. I Used dubious move plus and it did have exercises with 800 cpl positions.

    7. It is yet included, or I didn't understand what you want. When analysisng, you can choose to have the programme detect only errors and dubious moves to create trainings, and that way it does not include blunders.

    8. I did mean that in a -800 cpl position, those categories don't make any sense. What is an inaccuracy or a blunder when one is down a queen?
      I would like to exclude (already) lost positions from wrong moves.

    9. Ok, you want to work with absolute values, and that is not possible with the program, and I do not plan to include it, it only allows you to discriminate those errors that are gross, being able to choose to select only mistakes and innacuracies (or only mistakes, ...), but not based on absolute values, which in In my humble opinion I consider it to be better.

    10. Your view is for sure more accurate and nore objective. Better for stronger players and slower time controls. For online blitz games at my level, 2300 at lichess, I think it is more useful to limit the trainings question. For example A lot of people don't resign till they are mated.
      I think from a practical point of view, my suggestion is worthy.
      But hey, your software ist Spitzenklasse anyways.

    11. Give the new system a try, select mistakes only or innacuracies only, and check the results.

    12. Hi Lucas, mass analysis cutting off analysis to move numbers doesn't seem to work. Neither -50 nor 50- did cut off the analysis.

    13. Fixed, the problem occurs when more than one worker is used. To the next update.

    14. Many thanks for the quick update.

  7. Also very impressed with the Engine Tournament capabilities to launch more than one worker to "multitask" the tournament. I have not seen this feature in other chess gui's (open source), Lucas. I just wonder if it was a fair tournament if we launch more than one worker with least control over the opening books (match interdependencies. Opening book selected after a previous game completes).

    1. Workers are independent of each other.

    2. Very much appreciate the multitasking ability of the workers. Powerful feature.

    3. Greetings from Iran. Can we have something similar like workers for mass analysis? Something like 6 workers analyzing 6 different games at the same time or 6 different moves at the same time. This would significantly make the analysis faster .

    4. Hi, the latest versions, allow in Tools/Databases, for a database, in Utilities/Mass Analysis, to include more than one worker.

  8. What is windows portable version? Version that run under Vine on linux?

  9. Dragon is available for free from komodochess

    1. Yes, Kaufman many years ago gave permission to include it in the program distribution. Now it is controlled by

  10. Hi Lucas, just to report that I tried an engine tournament (just 2 engines) to utilize the workers function, but crashed various times in less than 10 moves, even when utilizing one worker only. The engine match was between external UCI engines Safrad versus Belofte 2.1.1 64bit (both listed in CCRL blitz rating 688 & 689), using Perfect 2023 opening book (in configuration). It was fine in Arena, but could not multitask (only one worker in Arena).

    1. Do you have the same problem with other engines?
      My antivirus does not like Safrad.

    2. Yes, I just tried it minutes ago blitz tournament of 2 minutes game+1 sec bonus per move, perfect2023 opening book in tournament config. Crashes after Belofte 2.1.1 64bit makes the first move in worker 1, against CCRL Blitz ranked 687 (1040 ELO) Valiant Mk8 64bit. I thought it was Belofte that caused the crash in the tournament game, but I tried playing against it with no problems (only crashed in tournament).

    3. I have not been able to replicate the problem. I checked that the book was not working and corrected it.

    4. Perfect2023 opening book seems to work fine if used by other engines I tested. Example is Ufim 8.02 vs Delfi 5.4. Same exact tournament configuration settings.

  11. In version R2.10a, Train->Games->Learning a game->Playing against is not working. After loading pgn, the initial position or the pgn first position appears but pieces do not move.

    1. At the moment it only works for full games. I have just added support for games starting from a non-starting position.

  12. Hola Lucas, Mis Respetos....

    Antiguamente hemos hablado vía mail, por eso te escribo en español, porque sé que hablas español, de lo contrario te escribiría en inglés

    descargué la Version R 2.11d desde tu página web oficial, descargué la versión portable porque es siempre la que descargo para todas mis aplicaciones, y al momento de ejecutar tu juego de ajedrez, windows me arroja una advertencia diciéndome: NO SE PUEDE TENER ACCESO A WINDOWS SMART SCREEN Y NO PODRÁ AYUDARLO A DECIDIR SI ESTA APLICACIÓN ES SEGURA PARA EJECUTARSE

    Editor: Editor Desconocido

    Desafortunadamente Me hizo dudar si ejecutar el juego tuyo de ajedrez, y por eso mismo te estoy haciendo la pregunta, con mucho respeto te hago la pregunta Lucas

    Tiene algún malware el juego ?

    Supongo que como el Editor no está firmado, puede que sea ese el inconveniente de que salga el cartel de windows advirtiéndome de que pudiese ser peligroso el archivo y afectar al computador ?

    la verdad no lo sé, investigué en otras páginas web y muchos dicen que no es seguro ejecutar tu juego, otros dicen que es falso positivo, no sé que hacer y por eso te escribo, CONFÍARÉ EN CADA PALABRA TUYA, así que... espero con ansias tu respuesta por favor, de antemano MUCHAS GRACIAS ;)

    un abrazo

    1. Hola, desde mi punto de vista, no hay ningún peligro, desde un punto de vista externo, está disponible para su descarga en GitHub también, que es propiedad de Microsoft, supongo que Microsoft hará controles exhaustivos para que no se expanda ningún virus desde sus servidores. Hace ya mucho tiempo que nadie me escribía con este problema.

    2. Gracias Lucas Por El Tiempo Que Dedicaste En Responderme ;)

      me quedó claro de que no hay ningún peligro en ejecutar tu juego, pero aún no me respondes lo "otro" que te pregunté, te hice 2 preguntas y me respondiste sólo 1, por favor respóndeme a la 2da pregunta si eres tan amable, te la escribo de nuevo

      he leído en varios foros de que tu juego de ajedrez (Lucas Chess) contiene algún tipo de Malware, que pudiese ser el archivo stockfish u otro archivo malicioso, por qué hay muchos rumores de ello en muchos foros de que tu juego contiene malware ?

      por favor acláramelo si eres tan amable, de antemano muchísimas gracias por tu juego, espero tu respuesta por favor, un fuerte abrazo

    3. Este es un programa muy veterano, no entiendo la duda.
      El ajedrez de Lucas no tiene ningún tipo de malware, incluido el programa, los motores y los instaladores.
      Están todos los elementos en GitHub lo que le da una garantía adicional, y era la respuesta a tu segunda pregunta.

  13. Hi Lucas, I would like to have the opportunity to either save "best move training positions" into a new database with new names like "one of my common mistakes" or at least the opportunity to mark them as important so that I can redo all the important ones. This should usually also have the possibility to remove them from the list of importants.
    Many many thanks for your efforts.

    1. Tested Ctrl-T but nothing happens. What should happen?

    2. It is very limited right now to training positions. In the next update, it will be possible to do it from any position on the board and it will be copied into a position database.

    3. For me it doesn't work for best move training.. Very happy to see this becoming a feature. It is a very important learning tool.

  14. Hi Lucas, I have an idea gor a plan finder. The way I do it, is running as many variations as the evaluation is over 250cp (thereby excluding lines with heavy material loss.
    Now I copy all the lines into clip board and paste then into a text processor which counzs all the words. Now the moves that appear most, show the plans.
    Thos is simplified version of how I find the engine-plans. If you are interested, I will explain further.

    1. To get better results for various positions, I usually copy paste the analysis a txt file. Then I chose the first 3 to 5 moves which aren't pawn moves or piece exchanges. I make the moves on the board and copy paste/add the lines into the text file. Afterwards I put the whole analysis into the txt processor.
      The line with best pawn move or piece exchange I do examine them each separately.

    2. Good idea. At the moment I don't have much time apart from fixing bugs, and this idea seems to me that it is not simple to implement.

    3. This software or the developer might help.

  15. I have also an idea for a leak finder. It will be very useful

    1. The leak finder is based on position filters. For example: - no material disadvantage - each side one rook and 5 to 3 pawns -at least for 6 half moves valid.
      Now the engine goes through the database or selected games. Calculates the average accuracy of mine vs the average accuracy of my opponents for exactly those endgames. It stops to calculate when rooks are exchanged or less thN 3 pawns for each side.
      The difference in accuracy tells me if I have a leak in those endgames.

    2. Of course one could also use pawn structures filters.

    3. Thank you Shahrad for your ideas, I take note, although like the previous one I don't find it easy to implement.

    4. Too bad, but never mind. Some random people who read my post might offer you their help. It might also be easier to do it with some predefined filters for important endgames/pawnstructures. I have no idea about coding and software development. Thought if you have already the filters, it might not be that time consuming.

    5. Thanks Sharad, I'm keeping the idea to come back to it in the future. As for help, I prefer to code alone.

  16. I have another idea. My experience with different stockfish levels isn't good . Even at higher levels, stockfish blunders too often. I thought there might be a way to set the strength through cpl. For example I set -35 cp. Now stockfish randomly choses a move between the best move and any move which is up to 35 cp weaker.
    It would be nice if additionally one could give stockfish also a random chance of for example 10 percent to make a 150 cp mistake.
    Now I'm really running out of ideas.

    1. In the "Advanced" tab, you can choose the engine level, even create a personality, with more parameters.

  17. Hi Lucas sorry for taking your time again, but there is a problem. Previously I had windows 10 and an i7-4790k with 16gb ram. I used the latest version of stockfish with 1 thread. Now the workers for mass analysis used always 100% cpy. Now I have a new pc. Windows 11 with i7-12700k and 74gb ram. Now with 16 workers it uses only around 30% of cpu. With 512 mb ram for the engine it uses only 22% of my 64gb ram, but my pc behaves as if it would use 100% ram. It did take more than 2 minutes to open process explorer. Everything was kind of hanging.

    1. How many cores does your system have? Are there any left for other tasks after using 16 workers?

    2. 12700k has 20 threads. The 16 workers at no point did use more than 50% of the cpu. The external engine is set to use one thread.

    3. The Intel Core i7-12700K Desktop Processor has 12 cores (8 Performance + 4 Efficiency),

    4. The process is very simple, there is nothing special. The intensive use of each core is done by the engine, the GUI work is minimal. It would be preferable to use fewer workers, testing from 8 for example, to determine the usable number.

  18. When i play with "Play as long as you make no mistakes" activated, if a made a bad move, i click Continue, but there is no Reinit button, thanks in advance Lucas.


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