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Version R

New version of the program.
Continuist at user level with the previous one, but with great internal changes.
This new version has been mainly tried:
  • Update the code to a current version of the compiler, from python 2.7 to python 3.7 (based in a previous work of Alfonso Solbes).
  • Update the graphic library, from version 4 to 5 of qt, via pyside2.
  • Improve folder organization, with Linux support in mind.

Negative consequences:
  • It is incompatible with Windows XP.
  • The data is not compatible with previous versions of Lucas Chess.
  • The weight of the installer has doubled, currently around 120 Mb and the disk installation occupies 338 Mb.


  1. Thank you. So what parts are done? What do you want us to test. I know I can not analyze games yet. Is that suppose to be functional yet?

    1. It is completely done (I want to include something more this summer).
      There was a problem with the default engine, which I just fixed by changing the binary, and the release in github.

    2. Bonjour,
      Quelle différence 11.18 et R.? Merci beaucoup

    3. The heading of this article tries to explain it.

    4. En bref peu de choses pour les utilisateurs qui ne s'intéressent qu'au côté pratique de l'interface pour ces qualités échiquéennes Jouer/entraînements .
      Si la version 11.18 est également actualiser, on restera sur ses mises à jour!
      Merci Lucas pour ce travail!

    5. I don't have time to work with both versions at the same time.
      Version 11.18 will not be updated again except in some extraordinary case.
      The R version has trainings that are not in 11, for example mate in 1/2 or endings with few pieces or coordinate training, or playing against humanized engines like Maia, or the last stockfish/lc0/komodo ... The present and the future is R.

    6. Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse et votre disponibilité!!
      Je sais quoi faire maintenant!

  2. I'm using windows 10 and I have noticed the following.
    1) I can't install Leela via Command option (only way to install Leela). I get a pop up saying "one moment please" and then everything disappears.
    2) Analysis of games does not work when Stability Control is on.
    3) The Analysis display is overcrowded with things overlapping.
    4) Some engine analysis are wrong (Komodo 11). For example on move 23 it says M-5 for white column and shows draw or 0.00 for black column.
    5) Seems like engine is running in the background after analysis is done until you close the whole game screen.
    6) It would be nice to add the "Play Against" or something to the PGN Read and the Databases. Very helpful when training on your games or other people's games.

    These are some things I have noticed quickly. I will let you know when I find more. Thank you, Lucas for the good work.

    1. Thank you very much Lee, I have published a new prerelease:

      1) I have added another attempt to determine the operating system if it is 64 bit. I have fixed the command option. On the other hand, the internal motors I prefer to remain constant, there are the external motor options to make all the changes that the user wants.
      When playing against an engine, UCI options can be changed, there is a tab for it.
      2) fixed.
      3) I cannot replicate it, I need information but directly in my email.
      4) = 3
      5) I can't replicate it
      6) From Utilities = Play current position

  3. 1) Leela is included with the distribution, lc0, it is activated if OS is 64 bits.

    1. I have x64 windows os. Lc0 does not appear on the list of engines to use to analyze or to change as defualt engines (though I see it in Play Against Engine). Besides there is no options to configure internal engines and Leela needs a lot of tweaking and updating the weights all the time. You may add an option to configure internal engines or fix the Command option please.

    2. And when you go to UCI, you can't change it. It has " value" and cannot be changed.

    3. Double click in the value cell.

  4. I can not play a game against a engine, request window not appear
    I have windows 7

    1. The bug.log file could help. It is in the bin subfolder of LucasChessR folder.

    2. Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\QT\", line 291, in run_action
      File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\", line 500, in run_action
      File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\", line 343, in menuplay
      File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\", line 348, in menuPlay_run
      File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\", line 817, in libre
      File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\QT\", line 942, in entrenamientoMaquina
      File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\QT\", line 430, in __init__
      File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\QT\", line 801, in restore_dic
      File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\QT\", line 177, in busca
      AttributeError: 'Configuracion' object has no attribute 'rivalInicial'

    3. Thanks Alex, I have published R0.26 that fixed it.

  5. Opening Lines not working. Thanks.

  6. error in tools -> openings -> personal openings

    Version R0.26
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\QT\", line 291, in run_action
    File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\", line 510, in run_action
    File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\", line 663, in menu_tools
    File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\", line 700, in menuTools_run
    File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\", line 645, in aperturaspers
    File "LucasChessR\bin\Code\Openings\", line 419, in __init__
    AttributeError: 'Configuracion' object has no attribute 'ficheroPersAperturas'

    1. Thanks. I have published a new prerelease, with this fixed.

  7. When you add external engines they are duplicating.

  8. Engine analysis is wrong, especially when MultiPV is set to default.

  9. Hello Lucas, first of all, thank you very much for this fantastic software. Impressive work. Congratulations!

    I have noticed some few probably bugs in the R version. I am running the 28a.

    The directors section is not working when i try to adjust the arrows and such. I Click in "edit" and nothing happens.

    The other thing is the play as Grandmaster option. For the first time, once the software is installed, I click at that option, import for example files from Karpov and the training starts normally. But for subsequent attempts, I click this training option and nothing happens anymore. I am unable to use this feature again.

    One question. Is there a way to save the play as grandmaster training that is ongoing to continue later on?

    Once again, thank you very much!

    1. Thanks Daniel.
      I have fixed some code in relation to Director. (R0.29)
      I'´ll try to add an Adjourn button in play like GM.

    2. Hello Lucas, thanks for your response.

      Play like a GM is now working.

      The problem now is that I cant change de board colors. I go to options, colors main board and nothing happens....general option works.

      The ditectors is still buggy...I try to change arrows colors, transparency, circles and then when closing this section the whole program shuts-down.

      Thanks again for your efforts..I will be swiching back to version 11.27 for now. I cant find any problems in that version.

      Hope you can solve the R version issues. Looking forward your next final version.


    3. Thanks Daniel, fixed now. Both problems are the same.

    4. Fantastic Lucas. Thank you very much for your hard work! This program is truly amazing. Lots of nice features. I can imagine how difficult is to track down all bugs.

      I will continue to test your R version as well.

      Hope you manage to find a way to add the adjourn to play as a GM. This is a particular feature that I like a lot, but I do not have too much free time to play all at once.


    5. Lucas, I have found a few other bugs.

      Still at the directors section, whenever I try to change, for example, the arrows transparency, the programs keeps suddenly shutting down after hitting the save button.

      The other one is: after inserting a variation at the games comments sector, I am unable to edit it later. I hit the edit variation button and nothing happens.

      Thanks again,

  10. Hi Lucas,
    first of all, thx for your great work.
    I have noticed two problems, but i don't know if these points are bugs.
    (1) I played a game against the tutor (beginner Lvl 1 for 10 points).
    I thought the tutor allways shows the best solution, but he doesn't.
    The tutor missed a mate in three. I saved the game as pgn to show it to you.
    (2) I couldn't open the pgn with R0.28a, but it was readable with 11.17b.
    If you want the file, please let me know.

    Good luck for further development.

    Greetings Frank

    1. Thanks Frank. I have reinstalled (R0.29) first version of Honey XI that is used as default tutor.
      Please send me that pgn file, to fix the problem.

  11. When you change the settings for Leela in external engines and close Lucas, the setting go back to the default when you reopen Lucas.

    1. Thanks Lee, fixed in the next update.

    2. Hi, I was thinking maybe you can add a new feature: Ability to save a particular external engine setting. For example Leela has many setting for optimization that depend on hardware and/or network. There is Kayra 2, Kayra 3, Kayra 4, Nuclear, Kuidee etc. So instead of changing the parameters individually every time, one can use the predefined setting with the appropriate name . The same can be applied to Stockfish which is now adopting the neutral network approach( I don't know how that will be different from Lc0?)

    3. The truth is that I don't know those settings, if they are in text files, I could try to implement the idea.

    4. Hi Lucas, the settings are just normal UCI settings but the nets have quite a lot that can be tuned. I think the idea here is to have one engine installed but with a choice of predefined settings, perhaps from a sub list or drop down list. Each combination of settings could be defined with a name to help identify it.

    5. Okay, but it is needed to create that list of names with their UCI options.

    6. You don't need any list. Just the ability to save UCI options for a given installed engine.

    7. I have probably not quite understood what the proposal is.

      Each engine has specific UCI options, so it would not be easy to generalize the set of options, to apply to different engines.

      To save the UCI options for a specific installed engine it can be done easily with External engines, Import, ....

    8. Import will just duplicate an engine and it's uci settings. This is not what we are talking about. For example: You open Stockfish 12 UCI options and change Threads to 2 and MultiPV to 10 ( all other options are unchanged). You save this configuration as, for example, StochfishThreads2. Later in the future you install Stockfish 14 and you want the same UCI for it, you just click somewhere linked to StockfishThreads2 and the UCI options are duplicated for Stockfish 14. Is that possible for Lucas chess to auto fill the UCI values?

    9. I take note of your proposal, something like supporting uci options associated with names.

    10. Yes. Something like that. Thank you Lucas. I also think Opening Lines is not working.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hello Lucas, how are you? I am testing out your 0.31 version. Thanks for this new update. A couple of bugs I have found. The director section is still crashing when I try to adjust the arrows to my liking. Specially when trying to adjust the transparency or creating a new one.

    The other thing is: I have some custom sounds that I have been using so far. The modify button at custom sound is no longer working, so I am no longer able to add my custom sounds.

    Thanks again for this fantastic work!

    1. I have uploading R0.31a with these bugs fixed.
      Muchas gracias Daniel

    2. Wonderful job Lucas! The software looks amazing. Much more beautiful and sleek. Tournaments are much better also. Like the new training options. Can you add Syzygy tables to Endings with Tables?

      The following are bugs I found.
      1) After analyzing a game, Utilities--> Save Icsb and save to database doesn't work
      2)When you analyze a game from Tournament and you try to save it, it will not save but instead get deleted from the Tournament game list
      3) Analysis Configuration-->Wrong moves and Brilliancies--> Generate a training doesn't work. I sent you log files last month and still doen't work

      Thank you

    3. Thank you very much Lee, I have published a new pre-release.

  14. I have a problem with the board size on smaller monitors. On my large monitor, it is fine, and I can change the board size by right-clicking the wrench in the upper left corner.

    However on my 13" laptop screen, the bottom of the board is cut off. And I found that the wrench is on the bottom left corner, which is only visible when I click on maximize full screen. But on the max screen view, the rt-click wrench does not give the Change Board Size option (since it's already on full screen).

    I would have expected an option in the Options or Configuration Settings, but it's not there.

    1. The CTRL + wheel is a quick way to resize.

      Also, pressing in the upper left corner of the board .....

    2. Ctrl+pinch in/out on touchpad worked. Pressing upper left corner, both left and right click, does nothing -- as I mentioned the wrench that is "supposed" to be in in the upper left goes down to the hidden bottom left corner when the screen is smaller.

    3. Only left click, and pressing a point inside the board (3px, 3px).
      In Options-Configuration-Boards, show configuration icon, and position (Top=Up+left, Bottom=Bottom+left)

  15. Hello Lucas,

    I have noticed a problem when analyzing an imported game. Sometimes, the engine does not analyze the move the player made at all and just evaluates it as 0.0 without looking at it, especially when the number of moves evaluated by the engine is left at default. I think no matter how dumb my move is, the engine should at least spend some time looking at the move made by the player.
    The behaviour was not reproduceable on the non r version of lucas chess.

    Thank you very much for this otherwise great pice of software and especially looking forward to the hinted linux version.


    1. This is a problem with the engine. The program uses only the output of it.
      What is the engine you used to the analysis?

    2. Thank you for replying.
      I have tested the behaviour with both the most recent version of stockfish 12 (added as an external engine in both lucas chess and lucas chess r with the same settings) as well as with the built in versions of stockfish 11 on an older lucas chess / lucas chess r install on another machine.
      The only thing that I am aware of changing is the version of your program.
      If you tell me where I can find you e-mail I could send you the png for testing if you are interested.

    3. My email is in the program (Information).
      lukasmonk in gmail.

  16. Hey hy Lucas. I am having some troubles with LCR: seems not compatible with latest windows 10 update. Are you aware of this? In my old notebook where i have windows7, it works ok.

    1. Hi M, I have no idea, I have now tried with two different machines than mine, both with windows 10, one of them updated on 09/25/2020, and without problems, except for those typical of the smartscreen, which does not like anything new, but that allows to install, and when running, it has worked correctly. If the problems is the installation, I have updated Inno Setup from 6.0.3 to 6.0.5 and I have uploaded a new installation file.

    2. Nothing! I have disabled kaspersky but this wasnt the problem. I tried to exec as admin, but nothing. Windows tool says it is incompatible!!! Maybe i'll try the installable version, though i dont like the idea. In windows 7 it works :-(

  17. I have installed LCR but still doesnt run. Well, no idea. Now i try with older LCR...

    1. I have uploaded a new update, this with 7zip 32 bits to create portable version.

    2. Well, still not working. Must be my pc with last windows update. Fortunately because 11.17 works fine. I'll ask some friends to check if they have the same problem.

    3. Hi Lucas,
      I've downloaded/installed Lucas Chess 11.17 and it works fine with the installed engines. I cannot get it to work with the new Stockfish 12 as an external engine
      through Tools/Engines/External Engines. Are there additional steps required?
      Stockfish 12 is not listed in the import list.

    4. You must use the New option, the Import option just to select one of the internal engines, configure it differently, and use it as an external engine.

  18. Using the 0.34 version and works overall good.

    However noticed you have a new option for Train>Tactics>Repetition>Personal Tactics, but I'm not sure how to populate that with my own tactics.

    For example, I created a tactics file using pgn tactics generator ( )of my own lichess games into a tactics.pgn file. Is there a way to import those positions into Lucas?

    1. Tools/PGN/Read PGN then read that file, then press Train......

    2. That works. Is there a log or statistics to show how many tactics I've done each day over time? I see that I can get for the current session only, but not for previous sessions or previous days.

  19. Komodo 12.1.1 is available for free

  20. Will version R be able to read .ctg opening book format?

    1. Not at this time, maybe in the future, the truth is that I have no idea, there are many pending features that are before.

  21. When I click on the "Play" button in the "Analysis" window, nothing happens! In the old version, a new instance of the app is opened with the selected board configuration and I can choose the engine I want to play against!

    1. Thank you very much, it will be fixed in the next pre-release.

  22. Playing against a engine with "Tutor" enabled, when I make a bad, a menu allowing me to choose my move or the tutor's suggestion. If I choose my move, the window "Analyzing your move" appears!
    I think that this choice should accept my move without interference!


    1. Fixed, thanks for the feedback. I will try to publish soon.

  23. After a game, if I make a analysis, the text appears broken:


    1. The size of each column can be changed by dragging the separation of the header between black and white.
      I will expand this width by default.

  24. If I try some training, like "Training positions/Checkmates from FICS database/Attacking the king in the castle M2-7", if I move the first piece wrong, the training scenario is broken (freezing).
    In the stable version, an arrow appears to show the correct move!


    1. Published an update. I know there are many errors pending to be detected, but three bugs fixed is enough for a new update.

  25. When I tried to promote a pawn, the game doesn't ask me what piece I want. It automatically promoted my pawn to queen!


    1. It is correct. Pressing Alt key allows to select other piece.
      This is the default.
      To make the program ask every time, in Options / Configuration / Boards, uncheck Always promote to queen.

  26. The columns in the "Analysis" window is broken, and I cannot adjust:


  27. Hello lucas, love your program.

    Everythings working, with exeption of "competition against tutor".
    I can only play against "Acqua 2.0". No other opponent can be selected.
    Not within the same group nor other groups.
    I tested every "R" version since the beginning. Always playing till 6000 points, still not possible. 11.17 worked.
    Tested Versions: R 0.19 -> R 0.38 on Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.

    Thanks in advance, keep up the good work.

  28. Dear Lucas, thanks for keeping improving this amazing software. Looking forward the final stable version.

    Some minor bugs that I have found:

    At options and in the configuration section, at the appearance tab, the options and boxes for menus, toolbars and etc do not stay selected after the user adjustments.

    In the director's settings, there are still some bugs with the arrows and circles. For instance, I am not able to edit current circles (nothing happens when I select edit) and once in game I am not able to add two arrows at the board. Once I try to add a second arrow, the first one disappears.

    Thanks again for your hard work!

    1. At options if By default is pressed, the values indicated are not taken into account.
      And in relation to problem with arrows and circles I have published a new prerelease.
      Thank you very much.

  29. Thanks Lucas! So far so good. Will keep testing it!

  30. Thanks Lucas for the effort you have taken in building this new version. Could you detail how to train openings with the version? - Not able to figure out how to do this as was done in the earlier version

    1. The way I use: in Tools / Openings / Openings lines, I create one, I can choose the basic moves, something like e4/e5/Cf3 for example, and I give it the name I want. In the edit window, I add all the lines that I want to learn, then I click on Train, Configuration, Create trainings, sequential and against engines. I start by learning the Static, and when done, then the With engines mode.

    2. Thank you for the rapid response!. A great start to 2021 with the 1.0 release.

  31. se pueden añadir modulos de analisis?

    1. Hay 52 motores, de los que se pueden usar para análisis unos cuantos, stockfish, komodo, lc0,.....
      Aparte en Herramientas/Motores/Motores externos se pueden añadir más.

  32. Hi,
    I'd like to give you three suggestions for your very useful program ...

    1) In utility -> observer -> engine it would be better if the chessboard was much larger, currently the size is fixed

    2) In tools -> engines -> motors tournament, the larger window and chessboard and the possibility of having a human among the participants

    3) When I analyze the positions there are very useful options in the program, but it would be better to add a simpler and more immediate one such as playing the position between two engines, without eliminating the options present

    Congratulations again on your program

  33. 1) All boards can be resized independently,
    2) I have this idea in mind, someone asked me some time ago about it. I have in mind to create a league like soccer, I don't know when I will develop it.
    3. Good idea but not easy to develop, I take note.

    1. Hi Lucas,

      I forgot a very important thing: it would be very useful to be able to suspend a tournament after a match and then resume it in the future, even after exiting the application...

    2. The program works with full games, there are no adjourns, there are no half games that can be recovered later.
      The workers do their job regardless of whether Lucas Chess is working or not, they have to be launched from LucasChess, but the relationship ends there, there is a database, where they collect a challenge and then leave the game when it is finished. They can be stopped at any time and launch other workers in the future to continue to the next game.

  34. Hi,
    As a first time user of Lucaschess R, I'm not sure on how to use the 'training with a book' feature under openings. It could be helpful if you could tell me how to use it, since it's a bit confusing, without the name of the openings being displayed( have to keep referring chess books) and not having the personal opening guide.

    Could be helpful if you could add the personal opening guide and also even more good if you could do something that displays the openings at every move, like in

    1. The name of the opening is always accessible, by pressing Config / View PGN information or alternatively the right button on the pgn table.
      In my opinion, the opening lines have the same or better functionality than the personal opening guide. The opening lines allow you to include all the lines of an opening or whatever you want, and train from memory or against engines. The decision not to convert the personal opening guide has already been made.

  35. Hi,
    I have a problem...
    If I do
    1 tools -> create a game
    2 configuration -> opening
    3 I choose defense Tarrash
    4 Utilities -> play the current position

    I make my move but the opponent doesn't move
    He only moves if I push the pause button twice

    If he leaves the opening book he moves but then it is I who cannot move without using the pause key twice ...

    1. If the version you are using is 1.00, I am unable to replicate the problem.
      In all the tests I have done they have worked correctly.

    2. Yes is 1.00 version
      Here a video of the problem


    3. Thanks for the video.
      Could you try without book CubaII?

    4. Hi,
      if I remove the book, the opponent's timer starts but then does not execute the move on the chessboard, even if he puts it in the move list and my timer does not start

      P.s. if I do create match, setup a position and then enable engine, it would be advisable if I could see how the engine evaluates the position while thinking ...

    5. To understand a position I use a kibitzer (type candidates, stockfish, komodo, ...), it is possible to do moves on the kibitzer board, go back, ...

  36. Using the STS Test, once finished, if I try to save in csv it saves an empty file

  37. Bonjour, je viens d'installer la nouvelle Version R 1.01. J'ai perdu toute les données, progression de l'ancienne version de Lucas Chess. Y a t-il un moyen de retrouver ces donné perdu? Merci

    1. The two versions work separately, so you can continue using version 11, in the event that it has been uninstalled it is possible to install it again and it will take the old data (unless it has been deleted manually).
      Right now I am working on a bridge program, which has its complications, so it will take several days to develop and publish it.
      I need to know what people want to recover. Right now I am working on the databases.

    2. 1) It would be nice to recover the .pks files.
      2) Utilities-Save-Database not working
      3) Utilities-Analyze-Wrong moves-Generate a training file with these moves, does not work and has never worked in this new R version.

      Thank you for your hard work and software is super!

    3. 1) Ok. Until now: 1.Databases 2.Custom openings 3. pks files.
      2) I just ran a test with no problem, maybe I didn't select the right example.
      3) It should be fixed since version 1.01

    4. Not working. I just tested. How are you testing?

    5. Oh I see. I was check marking the "Also add complete game to PGN" and I also added name for "PGN Format". Without them it works. Then what are these features for?
      What about the " Utilities -> Save->Database->example? Still doesn't work.

      Thank you for you help.

    6. Other video:

    7. I was changing that "Blunders1" file to a different name. Probably that's the problem. Thanks

    8. It is another problem, I just tried नमस्कार instead of blunders, in case the problem has to do with the use of non-ansi characters.

    9. I have not been able to replicate it.

  38. HI,
    Unfortunately the problem persists even with version 1.02 ...

    1. Could you try the portable version on a clean install, in any folder?
      The problem is that I am not able to replicate the problem, using the same configuration, so a hypothesis is that there is some collateral effect derived from your data, and to continue with that hypothesis or discard it it is necessary to contrast it with a blank installation.

    2. Hi
      yes, in a clean install the problem is resolved...

    3. If you want, you could create a zip with all UserData folder (the databases that occupy the most it is not necessary to include them) and you send it to lukasmonk at gmail

    4. However the problem is off in not-clean install if I use Options -> Configuration -> Chessboards -> visual effects = off

    5. Fixed now in my code, to the next update (if you are in a hurry tell me).
      Very difficult to catch.
      Thank you very much

  39. In the STS: Strategic Test Suite window, there is a "Config" -> "Formula to calculate elo" button, but it does not lead anywhere ...... is that correct? or is it a bug?

  40. Hi Lucas,
    I have a question: have you ever thought about supporting the old winboard engines (via winboard protocol or with the wb2uci utility?)
    If I use Wb2uci the motor is loaded, but then it doesn't move
    Okay, many uci engines can be set to a lower elo level, but isn't it a waste to throw away dozens and dozens of winboard engines, each with its own style of play?
    It can be more inspiring (and more useful, I think) to check progress made than a low-powered Stockfish that responds without thinking.

    1. You sent me a complete configuration with Wb2uci and one engine and the protocol file that works in other GUI and I study it.

    2. Hi,
      gmail doesn't let me send attachments, however you can find wb2uci here:

      Consider that if some parameters are missing the engine follows those set on the GUI, here an example of how the 31337 engine works on Arena, the configuration file Wb2uci.eng

      Name = 31337
      Author = Matthew Lai
      Filename = wb2uci.exe

      Program = 31337.exe

    3. 31337.exe -> I need the link to download.


    5. Thanks Alex, although it would be a good addition to the program, it is not an easy task to support this protocol, I now have quite a few pending problems to solve in the program, so I add this to the drawer of ideas, to the huge drawer of pending ideas.

  41. Hi, maybe it is beyond the scope of this debate, is it possible to insert an option to perform multiple automatic STS tests without always having to press "Run" at the end of the test of each engine?

  42. Ola, ja estou usando a ultima versão do programa Lucas chess, e cada vez mais surpreso com a beleza desse programa. E notei que nessa ultima versão R 1.02, quando voce chega na casa de promoção o peão promove automaticamente para dama(rainha) e não aparece as opções de peça para promoção, tem como desativar essa função? E mais uma vez parabéns pelo excelente trabalho.

    1. Options - Configuration - Board - Always promote to queen (Alt key allows to change to other piece)

  43. First of all, thank you Lucas for your work !
    Do you have any idea why 3 antivirus from Virustotal warn about InsLucasChessR01_04a ? One of them is Kaspersky. With version R01_00, I did not notice this problem.


      All clean.


    2. You did an URL analysis which appears to be different from an uploaded file analysis.
      if we use SHA256 of the R01_04a file : 42670980fdbc91d7aeaaf0fcae6fca65a4ef9bf8e6d63a884bf107ee80e9e29b
      there are warnings (while there was none with R01_00).

      What do you think of these warnings ?

      On the other hand, it seems to me that someone told you about the Maia Chess project and that you asked for permissions. Do you have any news ?
      Thank you.

    3. The file that is downloaded from the link from the web, is identical byte by byte with the one that I uploaded to the web, I just compared it. In Virus Total I have requested the analysis of the file to be downloaded and it does not find any problem, for me it is enough.
      I have permission, now I need time to implement a competition with them.

    4. I tried to download the portable and installable Version R 1.05a and R 1.06 in Windows 10 with different browsers in vain. The Windows Defender finds a threat. Must I stop the Defender during the download?

    5. I sent version 1.05a to Microsoft for analysis, with a result of "No malware detected" and I know of a person who could not download it, he downloaded it after updating the antivirus databases on his PC.
      With this instructions:

      Submission details
      Submission ID: 6200fef2-e6fb-4530-ba12-54ad5dc36216
      Status: CompletedSubmitted by: lukasmonk@
      Submitted: Jan 26, 2021 23:07:37
      User Opinion: Incorrect detection
      Analyst comments:

      We have removed the detection. Please follow the steps below to clear cached detection and obtain the latest malware definitions.

      1. Open command prompt as administrator and change directory to c:\Program Files\Windows Defender
      2. Run “MpCmdRun.exe -removedefinitions -dynamicsignatures”
      3. Run "MpCmdRun.exe -SignatureUpdate"

      Alternatively, the latest definition is available for download here:

    6. I followed your instructions and the download worked fine. Thank you very much.

  44. When trying to do Engine Tournaments, I cannot launch Worker when I set my own initial position. What could the issue be?

    1. Thanks for the feedback, it was fixed in the latest version. I will publish a new update this weekend.

    2. Thanks, and hopefully you will be able to allow left clicking to remove arrows, as currently it is very hard to get rid of the graphic arrows.

    3. Right button, Ctrl F1, Ctrl F2.

    4. That works but left clicking is rather intuitive as implemented by both and lichess.

    5. Without going too deep, I think the problem is that I cannot discern between moving a piece or creating an arrow.

  45. Hi Lucas,
    first of all thank you very much for all your hard work and this excellent program you have given to the chess community! Once upon a time (to be specific: in version 11.14d) you have implemented the possibility to enter moves in algebraic notation via the keyboard (e.g. by typing "Nf3" to move the knight etc.), but now, in version R 1.05a, this feature no longer works. Would it be possible to re-enable this?
    P.S.: In case you can and want to re-enable this feature, remember that you found a nice solution to distinguish between long and short castling in positions where both are possible by using "o2" and "o3" for long and short castling respectively.

    1. Now it is possible to move with the coordinates: e2e4, ... it has been easier to implement. If you are very interested in the san notation, tell me and I will study it, checking for side effects.

    2. Hi Lucas, thank you for your reply. Yes, I have noticed that it is possible to enter the moves by coordinates. This is of course also a possibility. However, I always loved the possibility to type a complete game directly from the score sheet into LucasChess. Back in the v11.14d times I also created a fun little profile for a voice recognition software (VoiceAttack), which enables one to make moves in LucasChess by saying, for example, "Knight Foxtrot 3". One can then play on a real board and LucasChess announces its moves back in the same way. This feels more natural to me than "g1f3". But, of course, I leave it to your concern if you think its worth to re-enable this feature or not. In case any one is interested, I am, of course, happy to share my LucasChess profile for the voice-recognition program.

    3. I don't have time to study side effects, so experience will tell us if there are.
      For the next update, o2 and o3 included (did not remember).

    4. Hi Lucas, thank you very much vor releasing version R1.06 and for enabling the SAN notation! I have tested it, and it works only partly. For example, if I want to make the Knight-move "Nf3" but the Pawn-move "f3" is also possible, then upon typing "Nf3" the pawn moves to f3. Thus, the prefixed "N" seems to be ignored and the move is boiled down to "f3".

    5. I have coded fast and wrong.
      I just left a mini update.
      To correct, just go to Information-Search for updates

    6. Hi Lucas, thank you very much for the really fast update! It works flawlessly now. I was surprised that it is mandatory to type "+" and "#" at the end of moves which result in check or checkmate. Would it be easy to make the indication of check and checkmate in the SAN notation optional?

      For testing I just typed some games into LucasChess using the SAN notation, and I did not notice any negative side effects. I think I used all keys that are involved in the SAN notation. Are there any other test I could do to help checking for negative side effects?

    7. Thanks Tobias, and if there is any side effect, it will appear with use.
      I just left a new mini update to fix + and #, also to promote, it is possible to write b8=q or b8q.

    8. Hi Lucas, thank you very much for the quick update. The SAN notation works really great now! Thank you again for implementing this feature!

  46. Thanks Lucas.
    Is it possible to have a MAC version?

    1. Now only with an windows emulator.
      There was a person interested in creating a version for mac, but this will happen first to create a usable version for linux and there is still a while for this.

  47. Hi, I recently encountered a bug in the "personal opening guide" module. I have made more than a dozen opening guides without problems but upon reopening my most recent one, I noticed that some entire variations were missing. When I went to enter some of the moves again, I noticed that my comments that I put in when I originally made it were showing up for the missing moves, implying that the program just wasn't showing them and they were inaccessible. Perhaps there is something wrong with the expand-all feature, although they wouldn't appear even if I manually expanded the line. Note: this opening guide had 101 variations (according to the personal tactics trainer, which still includes all the moves), which makes it my largest one so far, but now only shows about 60% of that.

    1. This problem is very difficult to replicate. The system used by opening lines is very simple. You could send me the file in UserData/Opening lines to investigate.

  48. Hello Lucas,
    I'm using your very exciting programm for my new beginning into the chess world! Unfortunately at a early stage ("Abfahrt vom Banhof Chotkowo") in your Transsibirische Eisenbahn modul, it stops while playing after the italian opening. It doesn't matter which move I chose, it still stops from working (the computer doesn't make any move, and there is no error message like if i'm doing the early Italian Game wrong)
    I tried this mission in the 11.17 and it works with no problems.
    It is a unknown bug?

    1. Yes it is unknown for me. I have fixed it. Tomorrow I will publish a new update.
      Thanks for the feedback.

    2. Thanks for your fast fixing! Now I can finish the game. But: I don't get to the next excercise ^^ It doens't matter if I'm loosing or winning. There is still the same Italian Mission and nothing further

    3. thanks again for your fix! Now I see the next (nächste) button after the exercise. But it still doesn't work. After hitting it now, the programm goes back to the menu, but there I can still choose the italian and no further mission. I tried it on a different level. The same. On level 2. I can't go further the rejected queensgambit.

    4. I have published a new update, it is not sure that it has solved all the problems.

    5. Excellent! I think so! Thanks a lot for your continuos work.

  49. Hello Lucas, I have a few questions :
    - Is it better to uninstall an old version (R) before installing a new one or is it unnecessary ?
    - For Challenge 101 : is it possible to click and click instead of bringing the piece to the desired square while keeping the mouse pressed ?
    - Have you ever thought (and is it difficult to do) to create a possibility to play chess 960 ?

    Thanks a lot for your work.

    1. 1-The best way (when possible) is to use: Information / Check for updates.
      On the other hand, it is not necessary to uninstall, the new installation performs the uninstallation if the folder is the same.
      2-Not now, I take note.
      3-More people have asked me the same, perhaps in the future, not now.

  50. First of All, thank you for this great chess app. I am Using Linux Lite 5.2. I managed to run it but i am getting error like engine not found. I feel as it is focused for windows OS and all user suggest me to run on wine if I want it on Linux. I really thankful for any guide to run it in Linux (without wine). Please check my error on this link

    Thank you for your great work for this open source chess application. I found it best for new chess player to sharping their talent.

  51. I need some time to do a true adaptation to Linux.
    Meanwhile, all engines in OS/folder need to have a chmod +x

  52. Hello Lucas,

    One bug I found: In the "Director [F1-F10]" menu (accessed via the wrench icon in the top left) I am unable to modify the boxes (e.g. change their color or transparency). Also, I was testing things in this menu and I think it caused the program to break somehow. I'm not sure what exactly caused this but it happened twice and must have been something in the director menu. Now whenever I press the button to enter the director menu, the menu does not open and the program stops working correctly - the computer will no longer make moves and the program allows me to move any piece anywhere on the board, regardless of whether it is a legal move. The program remains broken until I replace my "UserData/__Config__/recursos.dbl" file, so the problem must be somewhere in this file. I can send you a broken "recursos.dbl" file if you think it will help you find the bug.

    1. I have fixed the problem of editing boxes.
      You can send me recursos.dbl file to my email lukasmonk at gmail.

  53. I can't change the colors of the gui. The settings are not being saved or updated. I installed the program in E:\Program Files\LucasChessR (my Windows is in c:\). at the install screen I chose this custom path because partition e:\ have more free space. Also I chose "only for me" option.

  54. Hello. I have a problem. In Train -> Tactics -> Training positions -> Mats in GM games -> Checkmate in 1 - does not work.

    1. Fixed to the next update. Thanks for the feedback.

  55. Hi Lucas,

    Not sure if this is a bug or intended behavior, but sometimes when I play against tourney engines they offer a resignation even when I have "resign/draw by engine" set to "never" in the config.

    1. There is a problem with that option. Fixed. I think this will correct the error.
      Thanks for the feedback.

    2. Unfortunately this problem still exists in version 1.15, but I think I was able to fix it by removing line 1745 of (self.resign_limit = -100). The engine still offers draws though. This might be able to be fixed by checking that self.resign_limit > -9999 before offering a draw at line 1773 of (otherwise we know that resign/draw is set to never, so we should not offer a draw). This could all be completely wrong though, I have a particularly hard time understanding the code because my Spanish isn't very good.

    3. Ok, removed that line.
      My attempt to convert to English names is bringing me multiple problems due to side effects.
      Thank you very much.

  56. Hello. I have a problem. In Train -> Tactician -> Training stations -> Mats in GM games -> Checkmate in 1 - after solving a few tasks the program crashes.

    1. I have to study it, I have not a reason.

    2. Fixed, to the next update (this week).
      Thank you very much.

  57. hello,

    underpromotion is'nt possible. automatically turns into queen.

    great work btw.

    1. When you do the promotion, pressing the ALT key at the same time displays the menu to select the piece. In Options, Configuration, Boards, you can change this setting by unchecking "Always promote to queen".

  58. Hello.
    My problem is to get along with the function 'Read PGN' in case of an annotated game with move evaluation symbols, comments and variations.
    After 'Edit' I find the move list on the right side of the board. To show the window section 'Rating', 'Comments' and 'Variations' I found only one way: right mouse click on a move. Then this section appears at the right edge. But it is only with about two thirds in the screen area. If I maximize the window, this section 'Rating', 'Comments' and 'Variations' disappears. I am not able to reduce the size of the board or of the move list.
    The move evaluation symbols '!?' and '?!' are not displayed correctly in the move list, only the 2nd character appears: '?' and '!'. But '!!' and '??' are surprisingly OK.
    If there is a comment before a first variation move, it will not be displayed.
    Would it be possible to colour the first variation moves commented with a move evaluation symbol in the same way as game moves?

    1. Addition: I finally managed to reduce the value in Options - Configuration - Appearance - PGN table - Width (which apparently applies to the move list) to 300, which solves the screen problem. However, it is strange that I had tried several times to correct this value downwards, but the program did not accept this.

    2. Options - Configuration - Boards (in the next update in Appearance) - Enable information panel by default

      You can change the size of the pgn table header by dragging and dropping the separations.

      Symbols and comment: fixed to the next update.
      To colour first variation: I take note to study in the future.

    3. Nice programme modification. Thanks.

      2 additional suggestions:

      After 'Read PGN' and 'Edit' there is almost nothing to edit as long as the 'PGN information' is not shown. It is not self-explanatory to find this window section. Would it not be easier to open this 'PGN information' in any case with the 'Edit'-window?

      The colored moves are difficult to read with lighter colors. Colored backgrounds instead of colored characters would help.

    4. Options/Configuration/Appearance/Enable information panel by default.
      On live: CTRL P, Right button on PGN table, Config view/PGN information.
      In relation with colored moves, I have to think about.

  59. Lucas. Obrigado pelo programa. Realmente é o melhor.
    Gostaria de saber se há algum website no qual eu consiga baixar estilos de peças diferentes para inserir em Lucas Chess.

  60. "Play like a Grandmaster" problem.

    Impossible to import games:
    1. Iturrizaga
    2. Van Foreest
    3. Van Kampen


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