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Showing posts from 2017

Version 11.04a: Turn on the lights, calculation mode

News: Turn on the lights ,  added calculation mode where the time used begins when a piece is moved, then the user can think for as long as needed, but must be accurate and fast when moving in relation to memory mode (the only way so far).  also it was added an initial theme from Uwe Auerswald list of positions, where only difficulty 1 and 2 are selected. Performance , in Options-Configuration, parameters have been added that determine the consideration of good or bad moves, as well as the degree of effect of bad moves on the total elo of a game, from 0 with no effect to 5. Bugs: Saving a game to a database Database, changing the file Saving a game to PGN when with nags, $ symbol is repeated (Konrad Franz Hüttner) Director, to remove with Ctrl-MouseRight it is necessary to press two times. Downloads  :  Portable:   LucasChessPortable1104a.exe Installable:   InsLucasChess1104a.exe From version 11.03: ...

Version 11.03: some bugs fixed

Bugs fixed: Analisys, reduced the number of nags produced by analysis (Giovanni di María) Database, save to PGN when select codec = same as file. Playing against a game when mate. Database: to create polyglot books doesn´t works Training positions, bad message when tutor disabled and the training is guided (variator) News: Scanner of positions, added Alt left, Alt key-left, Alt key-up, Alt key-right, Alt key-down to scan non-square cells Turn on the lights, added more info  Downloads  :  Portable:   LucasChessPortable1103.exe Installable:   InsLucasChess1103.exe From version 11.02:

Version 11.02: some bugs fixed

 Bugs fixed: STS: it doesn´t works (Husniddin Sharafutdinov) Training mates: all moves are incorrect (João A, zagabra) Adjourn: ask for resign (Bogdan P) Database: to create polyglot books doesn´t works Database: to export to pgn is very slow News: Director: Ctrl Left mouse, to remove any graphic/pieze (Marc) Database: can be configurated to use its own graphics, and can be showed automatically via own-Config (Marc) Turn on the lights: right button show history of each item Log file of engines, can be activated in Configuration/Engines, it creates a file in /UsrData/logEngines (Norbert) Changes: Create your own game: less options in toolbar Create your own game: last file is not open automatically Downloads  :  Portable:   LucasChessPortable1102.exe Installable:   InsLucasChess1102.exe From version 11, Information, Search for updates: doesn't work

New version 11, summary of changes

New  web: New engines: Delfi 5.4 by Fabio Cavicchio - Monarch 1.7 by Steve Maughan - / Andscacs 0.9032n by Daniel José Queraltó - Arminius 2017-01-01 by Volker Annus - WildCat by Igor Korshunov - Demolito by Lucas Braesch - Hannibal 1.7 by Samuel N. Hamilton and Edsel G. Apostol - Spike 1.4 by Volker Böhm and Ralf Schäfer - Zappa 1.1 by Anthony Cozzie - Houdini 1.5a by Robert Houdart - Paladin 0.1 by Ankan Banerjee - Read PGN file: Now supports the selection of multiple files (unknown) New game in the beginning...

Document in French: Bonus by Max Aloyau

Max Aloyau has added a new document in PDF with information on the novelties introduced this year 2017 in the development version of Lucas Chess. This document can be downloaded from the program website, section documents . Or directly from:  link 

Development version 11.00.21b: kibitzers

Changes in kibitzers: 1. Added some options: Priority of the cpu process, normal, low, below low, high,... (vga) Analyzed position, it can be before the move on the board or after the move. Visibility, when you have many kibitzers, some of them can be hidden in the selection menu. 2. Kibitzer options can be changed live. 3. The order in the menu can be changed. 4. To edit: Tools-Engines-Kibitzers When playing, Utilities-Kibitzers-Edit Bug fixed: Multiple analysis of a position, engines are not reused when external. (vga) Update from 11.00.21 to 11.00.21a: Bug fixed, kibitzers don´t work (Giovanni) Update from 11.00.21a to 11.00.21b: Bug fixed, tournaments between engines, "Cancel button" and difference of material doesn't work (Giovanni Di Maria) Bug fixed, database, order is not maintained from a session to other (Max Aloyau) Database, added in Utilities mass analysis option (Marc) New theme, McBrain's Wooden Ch...

Development version 11.00.20a: Lucas Chess moved to pythonanyware

Bugs fixed: Moves via keyboard, c is not working (John) Doesn´t show figurines in Variants. PGN reader when positions with solutions, option Utilities-List of FENS, doesn´t create a FNS file with solutions (Remes). Added: Pawn endings Background color in selected rows  can be changed (Options-Colors-General-Tables). (Remes) Web: New official web = 11.00.20 -> 11.00.20a: # Long analysis of a position, new cancel button (?) # Depth as an option to tutor (R.Giorgi) # <enter> to select in PGN reader (Remes) # Added ALT-J to an screenshot of board (Remes) # Removed menu.symbols in board to do a screenshot(Remes)

Development version 11.00.19: Director changed

Bugs fixed: Find best move training, doesn't show correct moves when using a language different from english to show pieces. (Max Aloyau) Order in analysis when score is over 10000 centipawns. (Max Aloyau) Transsiberian, automatic save doesn't include Date field (Pedro José) Challenge 101, bad score when time used is less than 5.0 secs. (Max Aloyau) Transiberian, level 2, error in a tactic. (David Parkin) News: Database added two tools to change the order of registers (TheIgnobleSavage) Updated McBrain to version 2.7 Director: Main change: graphic elements are added directly on the main board. After saving a position the added elements are visible from any other board. It is possible to change the file that has the information, which can facilitate sharing with other users. Can be added text in a blackboard. Activated with F1..F10. A simbol appears in the board when the position has info. 11.00.19 -> 11.00.19a: bug fixed in the panel of results ...

Development version 11.00.18: new translation, Ukrainian and a new competition

Translations New translation to Ukrainian by Volodymyr Soltys (initiated by Maxym Makarchuk) Engines updated: McBrain (default tutor/analysis) updated to version 2.6 ( ) Komodo updated to version 9.02 ( ) Analysis: Elo perfomance total and in opening, middle game and end game (Eren Külpınar) Transsiberian: Automatic save of games,... , thanks to Jacques D some changes in level 1, thanks to Jacques D Configuration: Position of board configuration icon in Options-Configuration-Boards New competition: Strength in positions with only one good response (singular move).

Development version 11.00.17

Bugs fixed: Editing a database game (Bernhard): activating information, disable pieces moves pressing x doesn´t ask toprevent lost of changes. Error creating external engines in folders with cyrillic characters (katl) News: Added an icon in bottom-left in all boards to config that replace right button in the border.It can be hidden in the Options/Configurations menu/Boards, but menu always appears pressing left button in that area. Analysis graphic window: Added captures (Joël D) Some other cosmethic changes. File names created in analysis changed (Nils Anderson): Instead of "AfterBlunders" "ExploitBlunders" Instead of "BeforeBlunders" "AvoidBlunders" When showing a move, if there is an analysis, an arrow of the best move is showed. (Vladimir) Marking Caro-Kann as a favorite opening by default. (Nils Anderson) McBrain engine updated to version 2.3 Training positions: added Play Current Position in Utilities (B...

Development version 11.00.16: challenge 101

News: Read PGN file, now support the selection of multiple files (unknown) Challenge 101 : new game to the beginning. It is about solving up to 10 positions of all types, with assigning a score. The program saves the last 10 scores, and you can check the ones made from the Training menu/Personal training.

Development version 11.00.15: bug fix release and some updates on the engines

Engines: New: Paladin 0.1 ( Ankan Banerjee ) New: Houdini 1.5a ( Robert Houdart ) Updated: McBrain to version 2.1a ( Michael Byrne ) Bugs: Bugs fixed in "Massive change of tags" (Bernhard) Wrong labels in English (Nils Andersson) Tourney, saving pgn, double blank line after a game (cja000) Closing engines, improved the process (tico-tico code) Tourney elo, in some ending-situations the personality crash, in that case the game is asigned to the user (Coatesy) Transsiberian, any drawing tactics involving perpetual check can never be completed (Duntoria)

Version 10.12a: database of positions

Once again all changes in the development version 11 have been included in the version 10, except for new engines, and the support of Linux.  Database of positions:  Initially not included in this version. With some improvements in relation to v9: Import from pks files (G. Rajesh Ganesh) Massive change of tags (Bernhard, peonpasado). With the feedback of Benhard to fix bugs. Engines: McBrain 2.1.a is now the new default tutor. It is an adaptation of stockfish done by Michael Byrne Bugs fixed: Reading pgn files with blank lines (Ed Smith) Crash when Komodo is the engine of a kibitzer (tico-tico) Training Openings by repetition, the name of the training is by default the first opening selected. (rob) In translations (and more) (Nils Andersson) (added transsiberian city labels to the translation) Tourney, saving pgn, double blank line after a game (cja000) A lot of little bugs (tico-tico, Alfonso).

Development version 11.00.14: bug fix release and some updates on the engines

Engines: New: Spike 1.4 ( Volker Böhm and Ralf Schäfer ) New: Zappa 1.1 ( Anthony Cozzie ) Updated: Andscacs to version 0.9 ( Daniel José Queraltó ) Updated: McBrain to version 2.0 ( Michael Byrne ) Bugs: Bugs fixed in "Massive change of tags" (Bernhard) Wrong labels in English (Nils Andersson) Downloads : Portable:  LucasChessPortable110014.exe Installable:  InsLucasChess110014.exe

Development version 11.00.13: database of positions

In the version 10 Database of positions was removed, now is included again (with the feedback of Bernhard). Some improvements included (also to Database of games) are: Import from pks files ( G. Rajesh Ganesh ) Massive change of tags ( Bernhard, peonpasado) . Bug fixed: Crash when Komodo is the engine of a kibitzer (tico-tico) A lot of little bugs (tico-tico, Alfonso).

Version 10.11: improving analysis of a game

All changes in the development version 11 have been included in the version 10, except for new engines, and the support of Linux.  Analysis of a game: Elo perfomance : it is a formule created by Michele Tumbarello that calculates the elo of each move and of the game. This formula is designed to do the more accurate results when using DeepFish as engine and a minimum time of 5 second per move. Stability control : a tab has been added that after finishing the analysis of a position with the parameters of time and depth indicated, it continues analyzing until in the last depths the calculated move is the same and the difference in the evaluation does not exceed the number of centipawns indicated.  Lost points in the analysis graph , now can be hidden (Giovanni di Maria) Right button on the graphic, to save as a pgn  (Giovanni di Maria) Captures: added a new option "Material advantage". (Carlo) Some internal improvings in transiberian (coded by Alfonso Solbes...

Development version 11.00.12: bug fix release

Thanks to the feedback of the last post of this blog I have compiled a new release: Hamster engine return to 0.5 (jojoB) Error in database filters (Patricio Cainzos) Elo perfomance of the game, provisional change (pending of study of Michele Tumbarello) to give more effect to blunders (MR) Lost points in the analysis graph, now can be hidden (Giovanni di Maria)

Development version 11.00.11: elo perfomance

The main feature added is a new value shown when analyzing a game, it is the elo perfomance, a formule created by Michele Tumbarello that calculates the elo of each move and of the game. This formula is designed to do the more accurate results when using MacBrain as engine and a minimum time of 5 second per move. More news: Captures: added a new option "Material advantage". (Carlo) Bugs fixed: Replay a game doesn´t show information about captures and comments (thanks to Ed Smith) Linux, main window now can be maximized/minimized (thanks to ACinnamonUserInUK) Some corrections to the tactics of Transsiberian (done by Alfonso Solbes) Engines: Removed fixed elo of Delphi from 1100 to 2600, maintaining 1000 the only that is working (detected by Serg Iv) New engine: Hannibal 1.7 Authors: Samuel N. Hamilton and Edsel G. Apostol, Home Page: Texel updated to 1.07a6 McBrain updated to 1.2 Removed sm...

Menu à la carte !

 Imaginez un bon restaurant dont vous seriez « client privilégié ». Vous pourriez composer vous-même le menu, aussi fin soit-il, le chef ne ferait que vous satisfaire. C’est le concept même du programme d’échecs LUCAS Chess. Souple et pédagogique, la diversité est à la carte, servez-vous ! Vous découvrez cette carte avec une mise en bouche de bienvenue. Cette 1 ère documentation vous permet de faire connaissance avec le programme. Elle s’intitule : Mise en Route, Configuration, PGN/FNS & Utilisateurs Viennent ensuite les hors d’œuvres soit : Palette graphique et raccourcis des options pour une compréhension plus efficace des commandes Vous hésiter devant tant d’options, le majordome vous explique le menu du jour avec 17 questions utiles pour guider vos choix, c’est une revue de détails des questions les plus fréquentes. Plat de résistance avec Etude approfondie des ouvertures  c’est assez explicite, et ses légumes T...

Development version 11.00.09: more engines

Engines: In this version 7 engines have been added, now are 47. I have in mind the arbitrary number of 50 engines in the windows version (in Linux is more complicated), Norbert Raimund help me to select the next engines (that meet the limit of having a 32bit version): Delfi 5.4 by Fabio Cavicchio . SmartThink 1.97 by Sergei S. Markoff . Monarch 1.7 by Steve Maughan Andscacs 0.8932n by Daniel José Queraltó . Arminius 2017-01-01 by Volker Annus . WildCat by Igor Korshunov Demolito by Lucas Braesch More changes: Some internal improvings in transiberian (coded by Alfonso Solbes) improving detection of draws little performance improvement checking human moves Added new param in analysis of a game/stability control that a...

Development version 11.00.06: stability control in game analysis

When analyzing a game, a tab has been added that is the Stability control. After finishing the analysis of a position with the parameters of time and depth indicated, it continues to analyze until in the last depths the calculated move is the same and the difference in the evaluation does not exceed the number of centipawns indicated. This option can add a lot of time to the analysis of certain moves. Perhaps some option must be added to control this.

Development version 11.00.05a

This is the development version that I'm working now. Do not have many changes in relation to the version 10. These changes are mainly internal. The default tutor engine is changed from DeepFish to McBrain, both are Stockfish derivatives. Update 11.00.5a : changed the compilation, this is more compatible.